Many Mansions, Part 2

Message from Jesus, continued.

“I live in all spheres, but my home is in a sphere close to the fountainhead of God’s Love. It has no name or number. With me in these spheres are all those who have received this divine love to such an extent that they have become entirely transformed and at-One with the Father. Many are progressing toward that home, and will, sooner or later, get there.

“Those who have fully received this divine love, through faith and prayer, are in the celestial spheres; but those who have not yet obtained this love to that degree are not.

“Yes, Paul is, and so are Peter, John and James and many others. (Question.) I meant that I would go to the celestial spheres where I now am and prepare these mansions, which I have done. And it rests with spirits and mortals only to become inhabitants thereof.

(Question.) “Some are and some are not – the mere fact that these ancient prophets and seers were instruments of God in declaring His purposes and laws does not mean that they necessarily received this great love and are now inhabitants of the celestial spheres. Moses and Elias are in the celestial spheres, and so is John the Baptist, but many spiritual teachers are not because they have not obtained the new birth.

“It will depend on whether you live and believe in such a way as to get this great love. If you do, you will not have to wait long years to be with me in the celestial spheres. You are now in the right way, and if you persevere and let your faith increase, and get the divine love in sufficient abundance in your soul, you will be. And this remember, I am your special friend and helper, and will be with you when you are in doubt or trouble, and will keep you from relapsing into a state of unbelief or carelessness.

“If one will seek for the divine love, and pray to the Father in faith, and believe that the Father will bestow it upon them, they will receive it; and when they receive it in sufficient abundance, sins that they may have committed will be blotted out. N0 further will they have to pay the penalties for sins and errors. This is principally what I came to teach humankind.” Amen

Read more in The Gospel of God’s Love.

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