Developing Soul Perceptions

Continuation of previous Blog. From Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 45 – 47.

“Spiritual laws can only be learned by the operations of the senses that belong to the faculties of the soul. The soul is to the spiritual things of God what the mind is to the material things. The great mistake mortals have made is to attempt to learn spiritual things with their reasoning powers.

“I write this because I see that you and your friend desire to learn the nature and operations and workings of the spiritual things, and hence I want to impress upon you the necessity for exercising the soul perceptions, which will come to you as your soul develops. These perceptions are just as real as are the five senses of the natural mind, though most people do not even know of their existence. When once you have succeeded in understanding that they do exist, and that you may be able to use them just as you use the faculties of your material mind, you will be able to progress in the development of these faculties or perceptions with as much success and certainty as does the scientist or philosopher in their studies of the things to which they apply the faculties of their intellectual minds.

“I hope that I have made plain what I intended to convey. I will not write more tonight, but will say, let your faith increase, and pray more to the Father, and you will see open up to you a wonderful vista of knowledge of the truths of the spirit.                    Your friend and brother, Jesus”

Editors note; Even though I have been praying for God’s Love and mercy for over a third of a century, I still had difficulty understanding the explanation of how to develop my soul’s perceptions. But I do know that as I receive more of God’s gift of Grace – Divine Love, through sincere and earnest prayers, the perceptions of my soul will continue to develop.

Happiness and Wisdom are principles of Divine Love. I have faith in the angels messages of truth, and know in my heart, that God’s gift of Love is available to all souls everywhere. It is never forced upon anyone against their will; the only way it can be received is to Ask God for It. Humility is the touchstone for an entrance into the Celestial Heavens. Keep praying and have faith, and you will succeed. Amen


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