Only One God

Part of a message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 2.

“The Father is Himself alone. There is no other God besides Him. I am the teacher of His truths and am “the Way, the Truth and the Life,” because in me are those qualities of goodness and knowledge which fit me to show the way and lead humans to eternal life, and teach them that God has prepared a Kingdom in which they may live forever, if they so desire.

“But notwithstanding my teachings, those who assumed high places in what is called the Christian Church, imposed doctrines so at variance with the truth that in these latter days many mortals, in the exercise of an enlightened freedom of reason, have become unbelievers and turned away from God and His Love. They have thought and taught that humans, themselves, are sufficient for their own salvation. But while these Christian Doctrines are erroneous, yet these same humans also err when they choose to disbelieve in God and my teachings.

“My teachings are dificult to understand from the writings in the New testament, for many things therein contained I never said, and many things that I did say, are not written therein. I am now going to give to the world the truths as I taught them when on earth, and many that I never disclosed to my disciples or inspired others to write.

“No person can come to the Father, except they be born again. This is the great and fundamental truth for mortals to learn and believe; for without this “new birth” humans cannot partake of the divine essence of God’s Love, which, when possessed by mortals, makes them at-One with the Father. This love comes to mortals by the workings of the Holy Spirit, which causes this love to flow into soul, filling it, so that all sin and error is eradicated.

“I am not going to tell you tonight just how this working of the Spirit operates, but will say if humans will pray to the Father and believe, and earnestly ask that this love be given them, they will receive it.

“Let not mortals think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the Father, because they cannot. No person who has only natural love, can of their own power cause the natural love to partake of  the divine.” To be continued…

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The New Birth

From Nicodemus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 24. 

“I was a master in Israel, but I did not understand this new-birth. How few understood it then, and how few now.

“Oh, the long years that have gone by since Jesus told me, I must be born-again to inherit eternal life, and how comparatively seldom this great truth is taught by the churches and the teachers of religious matters.

“This truth is the foundation of humankinds redemption, and until a person receives this new-birth they cannot enter into the Divine Kingdom. Mortals may claim to have faith in God, and conform to all the sacraments of the churches, but unless they have this new-birth, their faith as Christians is in vain. This I know from my own experience, as well as from the Master’s teachings. I desire to emphasize with all the power I have, that it’s the only important requirement to immortality.

“The new-birth means the flowing into a person soul, the divine love of the Father, so that this person becomes a part of the Father in divinity and immortality. When a mortal receives this love, they commence to take onto themself the divine nature of the Father. As this divine love continues to grow and fill their soul, this transformation continues until they finally become at-One with the Father, and immortal.

“Why don’t those who profess to be teachers of Jesus’ truths and followers of him, pay more attention to this vital truth?

“When you receive the messages from the Master, you will find the truth of this new-birth to be the one thing that Jesus will emphasize the most. It’s something for mortals to understand intellectually, but, also to actually experience.

(Mr Padgett asked a question) “He meant that as no human could see the wind or tell from whence it came or whither it was going, so no human who received this new-birth could see the operations of the holy-spirit or know from whence it came. But this latter expression must be modified, because we know it comes from the Father. The Holy Spirit is as invisible as the wind, yet is just as real and existing.

“Mortals need not trouble their intellects to know what this great power is; it’s sufficient to know that which causes the new-birth, is the divine love of God flowing into their souls.” Amen

For more read, “The Gospel of God’s Love.”

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Leaven in the Dough

From Samuel, prophet of old, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 23.

“I come to write and am with you in love and hope for your present blessing and happiness. I know that the worries of life prevent you from realizing the influence of this great love which is surrounding you, and which is ready and waiting to fill your soul with its fullness. But if you will pray more to the Father and exercise your faith, you will find that your worries will lessen, and peace will come to you in such abundance and beauty that you will feel like a new man.

“With this faith, love will flow into your soul, and you will realize to some extent the joys of our celestial condition; for the love that may be yours is the same love, in its nature, that we possess, and that has made angels of us all, and inhabitants of the Father’s kingdom. Only believe, and you will realize how willing this love is to take possession of your soul, and make you so happy that even the troubles that you have will not be sufficient to take from you the great “peace that surpasses all understanding.”

“I have been in the spirit world for many years and have possessed this love for a long time, and know by actual experience what it is and what great joy it brings to its possessors; so you can rely on what I promise you, and feel the certainty that actual knowledge gives. I am now a wholly redeemed child of the Father, and one who knows that His divine love in the soul makes the human or spirit of the essence of the Father. When this love enters the soul, it increases like the leaven in the dough, and continues in its work until the whole soul is impregnated with it, and everything of sin or error is wholly eradicated.

“Love worketh all things that man can wish for or conceive of – and more besides. Paul’s description of love and the wonderful qualities and conditions that emanate from it does not contain all its emanations, or its resultant happiness.

“But I must not write more tonight, for it’s late and you are tiring. Believe what I have written, and try to follow my advice, and you will experience that peace and happiness.

“I will say goodnight. Your brother in Christ, Samuel”

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The Faith of Elijah, continued

From Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 483, on Oct. 26, 1915.

“I am glad that you’re much better tonight, and that your thoughts are turned to higher things of which I so much want to write.

“John has told you of the faith which you must seek to obtain, and which you may obtain if you will pray to the Father with all earnestness and confidence. Elijah’s faith is no different nor greater than what you may obtain, if you will come close to the Father by prayer, as he did. The Father is as much your Father as He was his, and your mission is greater than was his.

“I am Jesus, a true “son of God,” and am closer to him than is any other spirit, and know the extent of His love and power to a greater degree than does any other spirit; I tell you with authority, that my love and knowledge give me, that you may obtain a faith that will enable you to perform greater works than did Elijah. Trust me implicitly, and your faith will grow so strong that your freedom from worries and cares will come to you as the sunlight breaks from behind dark and threatening clouds and bathes the whole landscape in light and beauty.

“You must resume taking my messages, and attune your soul to the influences which I will bring to you. (comment) “Well, you will receive help, as I have promised, and you must not doubt me longer.

“I know that you consider your unworthiness as the great stumbling block to the performance of my work. But if I say that you are worthy, what reason would you have to think otherwise, or feel that I am mistaken in choosing you, or that you are being deceived in this communication? I am Jesus, chief of the heavenly world which my Father has given me, and there is none to gainsay or prevernt what I do or determine to do. This you must believe, and on that belief guide all your acts. So forever hereafter know that I have chosen you for my disciple of this new revelation.

“With the acquiring of this faith, also acquire more of the divine love, for it is the great power that will develop you into the disciple I intend you to be; pray to God, and trust me, until all shall be accomplished.” Amen

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The Faith of Elijah

From The Gospel of God’s Love, page 481, by John; October 26, 1915.

“I want to say that the faith that the preacher spoke of tonight as being possessed by Elijah is the faith that you must try to obtain; then you will realize that you will be superior to all the worries and troubles that may come to you. This is the kind of faith that overcomes every obstacle, and makes you a true child of the Father, and one whom He will never forsake or leave unprovided for.

“I was there at the service, and I tell you, the minister made a forcible application of the truth taught by that instance in Elijah’s life related to the Old Testament. If humans would only learn the efficacy of that kind of faith in God, they would become so much happier, and possessed of that great peace of which the Master spoke.

“I am telling you this, not as a speculation or a theory, but as the result of knowledge and actual experience. The same faith that existed in Elijah, was the same that existed in the early disciples of Jesus, and the same faith that you and all other mortals may now have. God never changes, although human’s conception of Him do. Yet no matter what these conceptions may be, the same God rules and, as the preacher said, is “present” with you. Faith in Him is always accompanied by a power that never fails in working out His truths.

“I tell you this because I want you to obtain that faith, as you will need it in the work which you have before you, which can only be done by one whose soul is developed by such faith.

“Very soon you will resume receiving the Master’s messages, and will continue to do so until they are completed. And what messages of truth they will be!

“As the minister said tonight, there will be “troublers,” but your mission will be similar to that of Elijah – that is, the messages will show mortals the way to the true God.

“I will not write more tonight, but will say: Try to get this faith! And you may get it, by earnest, persistent prayer, accompanied by belief. You are progressing in your soul development; trust in the Master’s promises, and your worries will pass away, and leave you free to do the work. Goodnight and God bless you. John”

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A Spirit’s Experience, Part 4

“F”s story continues; “The spirits who greeted me and tried to help me learn spiritual truths, said they would have to leave me for awhile. They further said, that all the beliefs in all the world will not determine the place in which a newly arrived spirit will find its home, unless those beliefs are true – and the beliefs I had, and on which I had depended on for my salvation, were not true.

“Well, I found my place, and with it, darkness, in which I remained for a long time, refusing to believe what I was told as the true way to light and happiness. I want to say, it is not easy to lay aside or get rid of the beliefs of a lifetime on earth, even though the surroundings and experiences of the spirit show that such beliefs must be false. I can attest to the truth that belief – even intellectual belief – is a very important factor in determining the temporary destiny of the soul.

“I have written a long time, and will not relate in detail how I learned the truth and found the light and started on my progress to the higher spheres; or how Jesus came to me and showered on me his love and told me of the things that would be mine if I would only follow his advice. He said that the great stumbling block to the progress of so many spirits is the erroneous belief in his vicarious atonement, etc. which they bring to the spirit world with them.

“I am now happy and am in the Fifth Sphere, where there is beauty and happiness beyond all conception; and if the opportunity was mine tonight, I would endeavor to give you some faint idea of my home and its surroundings and of the beautiful spirits who are my associates.

“Someday, I know this home will be my daughters, for she will not have the burdens of beliefs that I had to overcome. And here I must say that, as she knows how very dear she is to me, and how much I, who has the the Father’s great love in my soul, must love her, she would know that I would not deceive her for all the world. And knowing this, I trust that she will take my advice, and seek for this Love of God” Amen

For more, read The Gospel of God’s Love, page 464.

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More of “F’s” Experience

The spirit signing his message “F” was saying; “I was being told that only the reception of God’s divine love into my soul would enable me to become a possessor of the mansions that Jesus was preparing for those who became in at-Onement with the Father. They maintained that what they told me was the truth, and sometime Jesus would tell me the same thing; for while I could not go the his home, yet he frequently came to the earth plane, and endeavored to help and comfort spirits who had not the soul development that would enable them to become children of the higher planes.

“Well, you can imagine my astonishment and disappointment, and how the nakedness of my beliefs appeared to me. And as I thought of the lifetime that I had given to the cultivation and establishment of these beliefs and expectations, I became doubtful of everything that was told me. My God became no God; and Jesus as my savior became no longer my savior, but a man who had deceived me during all the long years of my life.

“I became resentful and hardened, and refused to believe in anything. For I remembered that while on earth I had been honest with myself, and honest with God, and when the Bible had been certified to me as God’s true revelation, with the certain and only plan of human’s salvation, I had devoutly believed in its plan, and had endeavored to live the life that entitled me to salvation. Thus, I remembered and thought of these things, and the realization of my deception made me rebellious, and I almost hated the spirits who were there with me, and God as well.

“For awhile I was permitted to indulge in these thoughts without interruption, and then my friends told me that these thoughts were harmful, and would prevent me from learning the true way to salvation and happiness, and that the longer I indulged in my feelings of resentment and thoughts of having been deceived, the greater would be the stagnation in my progress, and the darker would become my surroundings.

“They then explained to me that all things in the spirit world are controlled by unchangable spiritual laws, and that these laws required that I should go to the place that my soul’s condition fitted me for, and that they would have to leave me for now.” To be continued…

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A Spirit’s Experience, Part 2

The spirit who signed himself, “F”, continues his story:

“I had expected to meet my loved ones who had gone before me, and to enjoy the happiness of their presence.

“Well, I soon found myself a spirit, dissevered from my body, possessed of joy, and as mortals say, lighter than air. Figuratively speaking, I seemed to be walking on air, with nothing to interfere with my ascension to the bright realm where I expected to find my beloved ones and the Christ of my beliefs and love. I had hardly realized my separation from my body before some of my loved ones met me and welcomed me with their love and cheer, and told me that they were happy that I had come over, and that I must not be afraid, or doubt that I was then an inhabitant of the spirit world. I could scarcely tell you how happy I was, and how the memories of the cares and burdens of my earth life had left me, and how I seemes to be in an atmosphere of love and heavenly joy.

“The meeting with them was more than I had anticipated, and I thought how it had not entered into my mind when on earth to conceive of the beauty and grandeur of the spirit home which Jesus had said he was in heaven preparing for all those who believed in him. But soon I remembered that my great expectation was to see Jesus and feel the influence of his love, and also get into the heaven where the Father was, and join with the mighty host in singing halleluiahs and songs of thanksgiving. I then asked my loved ones where Jesus was, and when I should enter into the presence of the Father, and receive His benediction of approval as a faithful and obedient child.

“Then, in a loving way and in a manneer to make my disappointment less intense, they told me that Jesus was in the celestial spheres, and the Father they had never seen – that He was way up in His Heavens, and that no spirit had seen His face or heard His voice, no matter how exalted and developed that spirit might be. That I was mistaken in my belief, and that only by the development of my soul in love could I possibly ascend to the celestial spheres where the Master was.” To be continued…

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A Spirit’s Experience

Received by James Padgett, from a Spirit signing himself, “F”.

“Let me say a few words, as I am anxious to write and tell you I was with you tonight on your visit to the home of my son, and was hoping that the opportunity would present itself for me to write. But I was disappointed; and my daughter was also, for she expected that you if you called at her brother’s home, she would be able to get a communication from me.

“I want my daughter to know that I approve of her searching for the truths which she may find in spiritualism (if properly sought for); and notwithstanding that some of my family do not believe in it, and treat it with indifference or disbelief, yet in it many truths may be found. It is a truth itself, and is waiting for mortals to investigate and learn that it is true, and that in it are additional truths that will lead them to much greater – even infinitely greater – happiness, on earth and in the afterlife.

“As my family knows, I was a strict orthodox, and believed in the teachings of the Bible, as taught by the church to which I belonged, and died firmly established in that belief. I came into the spirit world wholly impregnated with this belief, expecting to meet Jesus and be admitted into the presence of God, and according to my beliefs, I was justified in having such expectations. But alas, how different was my experience when I left the mortal world, and how my expectations were shattered – in a moment, as it were.

“As my spirit left my body, I was fully conscious of the change that was taking place, and knew that I was dying, but was perfectly calm and without a particle of fear. I suffered no pain, or dread of what I should meet, but rather felt a happy expectation in the thought that my troubles of the earth life were past forever, and that soon I would be at rest, and find my home among the chosen children of God, and have Jesus welcome me and take me in his arms of love. All the expectation that I possessed before my passing were with me, and no doubt for a moment entered my mind to disturb my hopes. I also expected to meet loved ones who had gone before.” To be continued…

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Five Steps to Truth

Found in, The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 47, by John.

“I desire to write upon a subject that may prove to be of interest to you and others who may read my message. I will say what I desire in short sentences, so the truth may be understood at a glance.

“When you are sure that you have discovered or have had revealed to you a truth, let it sink deep into your soul, so that it will find such lodgment as will cause you to realize that this truth is a reality, and a thing that must not be forgotten or neglected in its application to your daily life on earth.

“When you have found that the truth fits some particular condition of your mind’s experience, adopt it as a criterion for determining what your course of action shall be.

“When you have thus adopted it, let it always remain with you as a guide and monitor in determining what your belief as to the particular thing involved shall be.

“When you have thus received this belief of the mind, encourage and feed upon it until it becomes a thing of established faith.

“And when this faith has become part of your very being, you will find that the accompaniments of such faith, in the way of longings and aspirations, will become things of real living existences, which will result in actual knowledge.

“When such knowledge becomes yours, then you have solved the problem of what is true and what is not. And when you have solved this you will become a person who, when you utter this knowledge of truth, you will speak as one having authority. Such was the process by which Jesus became the possessor and authentic expositor of the great truths that had never before been known and declared by any person.

“Of course, these various steps which lead to this great knowledge of truth must be taken gradually and with increased confidence. In all this, the help and influence of the Father are necessary, and such help comes only in response to sincere, soul-aspiring prayer.

“Prayer must arise from the soul of mortals, and the response must come from God – there is no other means by which this knowledge can be obtained. All knowledge of things spiritual, coming in any other way, cannot be relied upon, for there is only one Source of such knowledge.” Amen

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