Only One God

Part of a message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 2.

“The Father is Himself alone. There is no other God besides Him. I am the teacher of His truths and am “the Way, the Truth and the Life,” because in me are those qualities of goodness and knowledge which fit me to show the way and lead humans to eternal life, and teach them that God has prepared a Kingdom in which they may live forever, if they so desire.

“But notwithstanding my teachings, those who assumed high places in what is called the Christian Church, imposed doctrines so at variance with the truth that in these latter days many mortals, in the exercise of an enlightened freedom of reason, have become unbelievers and turned away from God and His Love. They have thought and taught that humans, themselves, are sufficient for their own salvation. But while these Christian Doctrines are erroneous, yet these same humans also err when they choose to disbelieve in God and my teachings.

“My teachings are dificult to understand from the writings in the New testament, for many things therein contained I never said, and many things that I did say, are not written therein. I am now going to give to the world the truths as I taught them when on earth, and many that I never disclosed to my disciples or inspired others to write.

“No person can come to the Father, except they be born again. This is the great and fundamental truth for mortals to learn and believe; for without this “new birth” humans cannot partake of the divine essence of God’s Love, which, when possessed by mortals, makes them at-One with the Father. This love comes to mortals by the workings of the Holy Spirit, which causes this love to flow into soul, filling it, so that all sin and error is eradicated.

“I am not going to tell you tonight just how this working of the Spirit operates, but will say if humans will pray to the Father and believe, and earnestly ask that this love be given them, they will receive it.

“Let not mortals think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the Father, because they cannot. No person who has only natural love, can of their own power cause the natural love to partake of  the divine.” To be continued…

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