A Spirit’s Experience

Received by James Padgett, from a Spirit signing himself, “F”.

“Let me say a few words, as I am anxious to write and tell you I was with you tonight on your visit to the home of my son, and was hoping that the opportunity would present itself for me to write. But I was disappointed; and my daughter was also, for she expected that you if you called at her brother’s home, she would be able to get a communication from me.

“I want my daughter to know that I approve of her searching for the truths which she may find in spiritualism (if properly sought for); and notwithstanding that some of my family do not believe in it, and treat it with indifference or disbelief, yet in it many truths may be found. It is a truth itself, and is waiting for mortals to investigate and learn that it is true, and that in it are additional truths that will lead them to much greater – even infinitely greater – happiness, on earth and in the afterlife.

“As my family knows, I was a strict orthodox, and believed in the teachings of the Bible, as taught by the church to which I belonged, and died firmly established in that belief. I came into the spirit world wholly impregnated with this belief, expecting to meet Jesus and be admitted into the presence of God, and according to my beliefs, I was justified in having such expectations. But alas, how different was my experience when I left the mortal world, and how my expectations were shattered – in a moment, as it were.

“As my spirit left my body, I was fully conscious of the change that was taking place, and knew that I was dying, but was perfectly calm and without a particle of fear. I suffered no pain, or dread of what I should meet, but rather felt a happy expectation in the thought that my troubles of the earth life were past forever, and that soon I would be at rest, and find my home among the chosen children of God, and have Jesus welcome me and take me in his arms of love. All the expectation that I possessed before my passing were with me, and no doubt for a moment entered my mind to disturb my hopes. I also expected to meet loved ones who had gone before.” To be continued…

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