A Kingdom Not of This Earth

From John, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 291.

“I’ve come to say that your spiritual condition is much improved, and you are advancing in your perceptions of truth and of the reality of the Father’s Love.

(Padgett’s question.) “Yes, I know, but you must remember two things about the writings in the Bible ascribed to me: First, many of the sayings therein contained I did not write or authorize to be written; Secondly, at the time I lived on earth, my knowledge of the truth and God was not so great or so correct as it is now. I realize that some things I then believed and taught were not in accord with the truth as I now know it to be. Even my conception of Jesus regarding his mission on earth was not true. Although I was a close companion of the Master, and had many lessons of instructions, I did not grasp many of the spiritual meanings of his teachings, and up to the time of my decease, my beliefs were often more colored by material things, than by those of the spiritual.

“For instance, I supposed that Jesus was coming to earth again in a short time – at any unexpected time – to set up his kingdom on earth, and this fact notwithstanding that he said his kingdom would be a spiritual kingdom. I could not dissociate from my conception of the establishment and existence of this kingdom the idea that in some way it would be an actual, visible kingdom, in which the Master would be king, and rule as other kings ruled.

“All this may seem a little strange to you, but if you will consider for a moment that my teachings as a Jew were to the effect that when the Messiah came, he would actually rule on earth as a king, you will understand how difficult it was for me to make the distinction between that kind of kingdom and one which would be purely spiritual.

“At some time I will write you more fully on this matter, for I realize its importance, since so many of the professed Christians now believe that Jesus at some time will come to earth and rule all nations. And that they will become princes in that kingdom.

“Well, they will be disappointed, for they will forever remain spirits, and the kingdom they will live in will forever be a spiritual Kingdom.” Amen

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The Suffering of The Innocent, continued

From Luke, on page 110, in The Gospel of God’s Love.

Luke was saying; ” The soul of each person shows its own sins and wrong doings, and only this condition of soul determines the state of its possessor, and the destiny that its own thoughts and acts have made for it.

“Now, from what I have said, you may suppose that we are indifferent to the happiness or misery of mortals while on earth, but that is not true. Still, we realize that human’s must work out their own destiny on earth, and that we spirits cannot control that work, except as we might influence the individuals’ mind and thoughts. There are times, when mortals give way to their passions and evil ambitions, in which we cannot influence them. Even God, Himself does not attempt by His omnipotence to do so, but leaves to mortals the exercise of their own wills, and the consequences of their own acts; and this He does although many suffer, physically and mentally, who are innocent.

“But all humans live not unto themselves, but are so united in society where the acts of one must have their influence on others; and hence those who live in these societies are subject to these influences and the consequences that flow from them. It may not seem right that the innocent should suffer because of the guilty, and if the celestial spirits could prevent it, such sufferings would not take place. But they cannot so prevent the intermingling of suffering among those living in societies, for to do so they would have to interfere with the operations of the laws controlling those things, which they cannot do.

“So you see, war does not mean to high spirits what you might suppose. And while they have their sympathy and love for all children of the Father in these terrible conflicts, yet they must leave humans to the consequences of their own deeds and thoughts, and humans must do the suffering. But nevertheless, we do try to influence those who have the control and determination of those things, and our work is always to try to influence them to do that which will bring them the greatest happiness.

“We do not interest ourselves whether one belligerent nation or the other will “win” the battle, because only humans themselves decide that matter.  You will understand that if we had the power to destroy sin and error, we would do so.” Amen


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Suffering of the Innocent

Message from Luke, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 109.

“I heard the Doctor ask, “What do the Celestial Spirits think of this war?” (WWI) I will, briefly, try to tell him.

“First he must know that the celestial spirits are not so much interested in war, and the success or defeat of nations, as in the salvation of the souls of the individuals who compose those nations; and the fact that the individual is a German or an Englishman ot a Frenchman has no influence upon the desire of the spirits to help the soul of the individual. All alike are important and dear to the celestial spirits, and the same love that will save one, will save the other. So you can see that war, to us, is not of so much importance.

“Of course, many souls are made spirits who are completely unfitted for life in the spirit world; and in that view, war is of importance to the higher spirits, as their opportunity for doing work among mortals is, by such slaughter, interfered with. The spirits who come so suddenly to our spirit world are subjected to greater suffering, and are more difficult to impress and teach the way to truth and life, than they would have been if allowed to live their ordinary mortal lives. All wars interfere to some extent with the ordinary living and dying of mortals, and we deplore them. But as to the right or wrong of wars, we do not judge, but leave that to the conscience and judgment of the individuals who bring about the wars and are responsible for them.

“No sin is of less interest to the spirits because it arose from the war of nations, than if it had arisen from the act of the individual, as such. And so we celestial spirits are interested in the war that is going on because of the fact that it creates hatred and desire for vengeance on the part of those engaged in it, and hence adds to the burdens that the individuals so affected will have to get rid of when they come to the spirit world.

“War, to us, is an incident of human existence, and the right or wrong of it does not enter into our consideration. The soul of each individual shows its own sins and wrong doing, to be dealt with.” To be continued…

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Built On a Rock, Part 4

More about God’s Divine Love, from Jesus’ teachings:

“The Father is all goodness, Love and truth, forgiveness and kindness, and the souls of humans become possessed of these qualities when they receive and possess the divine-love. And when a person possesses these qualities, they never leave them or change. When this brotherhood shall be founded on them, it will be built on a rock, and will continue to grow and become purer and firmer in its binding effect and in the great results that will flow from it; and its foundation stone will be the divine nature of the Father, which is without variableness or change and never disappoints.

“A brotherhood so created and joined together, as I say, is the only true brother and sisterhood that will make for humans a kind of heaven on earth, and banish wars and hatred, strife and selfishness, and the principle of “mine and thine.” The “mine” will be changed to “ours,” and all humankind will be truly brothers, without reference to race or sect or intellectual acquirements. All will be recognized as children of the One Father. Such will be the effect of the existence of this Love in mortal’s souls on earth; and when such souls leave their envelope of flesh, they will find their homes in the Kingdom of God – parts of the divinity of the Father and partakers of His immortality.

“But only this divine-love will fit the souls of mortals for this Kingdom, because in this Kingdom all things partake of this divine nature, and nothing which has not that quality can possibly enter therein. So humans must understand that no mere belief, or ceremony of church, or baptism – or all of these things together – are sufficient to enable a soul to become an inhabitant of this Kingdom. Humans may, and do, deceive themselves in their belief that anything short of, or other than this divine-love can ensure them an entrance into the Kingdom. Beliefs may help them to seek and aspire to the possession of this Love, but unless and until this divine-love is actually possessed by their souls, they cannot become partakers of the divine nature and enjoy the happiness and peace of the Father’s Kingdom.

“When the way to obtain this Love is so easy, and the joy of its possession so great, it’s surprising that mortals will be satisfied with the husks of formalism and their intellectual beliefs.” Amen

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Built On a Rock, Part 3

From The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 29 – 34.

“I have digressed somewhat from my subject, but I thought it best to show that mortals’ dependence upon themselves is not sufficient or adaquate to bring them into a condition of happiness on earth, and is therefore totally inadaquate to bring them into the Kingdom of Heaven. The divine-love that I speak of is, of itself, not only able to make humans inhabitants of the Father’s Kingdom, but is sufficient to enable them to bring about and realize to the fullest of their dreams that great brotherhood, even while on earth.

“This Love of the Father’s own self is of a never-changing nature, and in all places and under all conditions is working out the same results, converting souls of mortals on earth, as well as of spirits in the spirit world, into the substance of the divine nature. It may be possessed in smaller or greater degrees, depending upon the mortal themself; this degree of possession determins the condition of the soul and its nearness to the Father’s Kingdom – whether that soul be in the flesh or in the spirit.

“Humans do not have to wait to become spirits in order to seek for and obtain this Love, for the soul on earth is the same soul as when in the spirit world, and its capacity for receiving this love is just as great in one place as in the other. Of course on earth there are many circumstances and surroundings and limitations on humans that prevent the free workings of the soul, in the way of aspirations and faith, that do not exist after they come into the spirit world; but nevertheless and norwithstanding all these drawbacks and stumbling blocks of the earth life, the soul of mortals may receive this divine-love without limitation, and to an abundance that will make them “new creatures,” as the Scriptures say.

“The possession of this divine-love also means the absence of those desires of what is called the natural person which produce selfishness, unkindness and the like; these in turn create sin and error, and prevent the existence of this true brotherhood which humans so earnestly desire as a forerunner of peace and goodwill on earth. The more of this divine-love that enters into the souls of mortals, the less there is of evil tendencies and desires, and more of a loving nature and qualities.” To be continued…

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Built On a Rock, Part 2

Jesus’ message continued:

The message was saying; The chains that bind the brotherhood together can be no stronger than the natural love which forges them. “And when that love becomes overshadowed by ambition and material desires, the brotherhood will become greatly weakened or disappear entirely – and humans will realize that its foundation was not built upon a rock, but rather upon the infirm sand, which could not sustain the superstructure when the storms arising from human’s ambitions and desires for power, greatness and material things, beat upon it.

“So, I say, there is a great necessity for something more than human’s natural love to help them form a brotherhood that will remain steadfast and firm under all conditions and among all human beings. If this natural love, under circumstances most favorable to preserve the constancy of mortal’s happiness and freedom from sin and error, prove itself to be not sufficient to maintain that condition, then what may be expected of it when circumstances are such that this love has degenerated from its pure state, and has become defiled by all those tendencies of humans to do that which is in violation not only of God’s laws, but of everything that would otherwise help humans to realize a true brotherhood?

“As I have heretofore said in my writings, there will come a time when this natural love will be restored to its original state of purity and freedom from sin, and when this brotherhood may exist in a degree of perfection that will make all participants happy. Yet that time is far off, and in the meantime, the dreams of this great brotherhood will not be realized.

“I know that mortals expect that sometime in the future, by means of education and preachments of moral truths, this dream of an ideal brotherhood will be established on earth, and all signs of hatred and war and the oppression of the weak by the strong will disappear. But I tell you that if humans depend upon their natural love, and all the great feelings and impulses that may arise from it, to bring about this condition so much desired, they will find disappointment, and may lose faith in the goodness of human beings. And at times a retrogression will occur, not only in that love, but in the conduct of humans toward one another, and in the treatment of nations by one another.” To be continued…


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Built On A Rock

Message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 29.

“I desire to write on the subject: How a soul must receive the divine love of the Father in order to become an inhabitant of God’s Kingdom and realize that they are immortal.

“In the first place, it needs to be understood that the divine-love is an entirely distinct kind of love from that which God bestowed upon humankind at the time of their creation; and which they have possessed in a more or less condition of purity ever since that time. This divine-love was never conferred upon humans as a perfect and completed gift, either at the time of their creation, or since my coming to earth, but as a gift which is waiting for mortals’ own effort and aspirations to obtain, and without which it can never become theirs.

“Then, understanding what this love is, and what its effect upon the souls of humans is, and that they must seek fot it; it follows that the obtaining of this love should become the one great object of a persons aspirations and desires. For when they possess it to a degree that makes them at-One with the Father, they cease to be mere humans, and become of a nature of soul existence that makes them divine, with many qualities of God – the chief of which is, of course, Love. And it also causes them to absolutely realize the fact that they are immortal.

“Mere moral goodness – or even possession of the natural love to its fullest degree – will not confer upon humans this divine nature. Nor will good acts and charity and kindness, of themselves, lead humand to the possession of this Love. But the possession of this Love in truth and fact, will lead to charity, good deeds and kindness, always unselfish, and to a brotherhood of humankind on earth.

“I know that mortals preach about the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of human beings, and urge them to attempt to cultivate thoughts and deeds of love and self-sacrifice and charity as a way to bring about the greatly wished for unity of life and purpose on the part of mortals. And by reason of this natural love, humans themselves can do a great work in bringing about this brotherhood; yet the chain that binds them together cannot possibly be stronger than the natural love which forges it.” To be continued…


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I Am a Flawed Messenger

I don’t know if many souls-seeking-truth, have been reading the angels messages, which are being published here. I know they are truthful and will help the world come into better harmony with love and truth, when more people want to develop their souls and progress in God’s Love.

I went through a great deal of effort to create an index of file cards for the message titles which have been posted. I was trying to avoid posting the same messages over again. I am an elderly person (81) and have flaws, poor memory and eyesight, confusion, etc. In spite of my good intentions, I managed to post the three most recent Blogs, a second time.

“I didn’t bother deleting them because I know that lessons are repeated to help students learn them better, and attempt to become familiar with their content. I also know that spiritual truths are difficult to learn with the intellectual  mind. I’ve had people say, “If I can’t understand it with my reasoning powers, there’s no way I can learn it.” But this isn’t true. The Grace of God’s Love, which is available to our souls through prayers for It’s inflowing, develops our souls’ wisdom, which encompasses reasoning powers and intellect.

“Obviously, I haven’t arrived yet on that higher threshhold, but I have faith that I’m on my way there. In one message from Ann Rollins, James Padgett’s grandmother, she wrote that when she went into the spirit world, she passed up many spirits with great minds, because the wisdom she gained with Divine Love enabled her to grasp everything those great minds knew, plus so much more. “Love is the ingredient of all Knowledge.”

So, if you are interested in developing your souls’ wisdom, start by “Wanting to know the truth.” All truth is knowledge, but all knowledge is not truth.

Strive to develop the highest potential of your soul. Everyone has the privilege to receive God’s Grace through prolonged and sincere prayer. It is never forced upon anyone against their will. The only way it can be received is to ask God for it. 

The privilege to receive God’s Divine Love, is the same gift that the first parents/God’s children, forfeited as a result of deciding they could become Immortal through their own efforts without becoming dependent upon God.

You and I can receive God’s Love, if we let Him know we want It. Ask and you shall receive. Amen

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Only Soul Can Call To Soul

Message from John, in “The Gospel of God’s Love” page 7.

“I heard your prayer, and I know that God’s Love is flowing into your soul, you now have an abundance of it in your possession, of which you are conscious. It will never fail you when you pray with earnestness and real longings for its coming. It is always ready to respond to your aspirations, and to make you feel its presence, and the happiness that comes with it.

“I am your special friend in my work of helping to develop your soul, and whenever you pray to the Father, as you just have, I come to you with my influence to help open up your soul to the inflowing of this love. Have faith, and you will have certainty of the loves presence, and that it is seeking to come into your soul in greater abundance.

“You are blessed in that you have knowledge of the existence of this love, and know that it may be yours if you so will it to be, and pray with the true longings of your soul’s desires. You cannot doubt the truth of what I write, for, as in the ordinary things of life, there is nothing so convincing as personal experience, and your experience is such that there has been no room for doubt.

“So if you would keep the consciousness of the presence of this love continually alive, pray and pray, whenever the opportunity presents itself. And by this I don’t mean that you shall wait for a time when you are not engaged in your business affairs, but at moments when the mind may be free, even if for a moment, from these business affairs. The longings, if exercised only for a moment will bring their results, for God’s ear is always open, and ready to cause the response to such longings.

“One moment of true soul-felt longing is more effective than hours of prayer where these longings are not present. The prayer of the lip or habit arises no higher than the escaping breath, and does not cause the Love to respond and flow into the soul. Remember this, and then realize how fuitle are all the prayers of preachers when the soul’s longings are not present.

“Only soul can call to Soul, and Love responds only when such soul calls. Worship from the soul brings into operation the Holy-Spirit which conveys God’s Love.” Amen

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Only One God, Part 2

Continued message from Jesus; Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 2 – 5.

“Human beings are creations of God, and they cannot create anything higher than themselves; so humans cannot rise to the nature of the divine unless the divine first comes into that human and makes him or her part of its own divinity.

“All humans who do not receive part of this divine essence will remain in their natural state, and while they may progress to higher degrees of goodness, happiness and freedom from sin, yet they will be just natural humans.

“I came to show human beings, God’s children, the way to this divine love of the Father, and to teach them spiritual truths; my mission was that in all its perfection. And along with these teachings, I also showed them the way to greater happiness (on earth as well as in the spirit world) by teaching them the way to the purification of their natural love – a purification and happiness that would be theirs even if they neglected to seek for and obtain the divine love.

“Let mortals ponder this momentous question, and they will learn that the happiness of the natural person, and the happiness of the person who obtains the attributes of divinity are very different, and in all eternity will be separate and distinct.

“My teachings are not very hard to understand and follow, and if humans will only listen to them and believe them and follow them, they will learn the way and obtain the one perfect state of happiness which the Father has prepared for His children. No person can obtain this state of celestial bliss unless they first get this divine love, and so become at-One with the Father. I know it is thought and taught that morality and correct living and great natural love will assure human’s future happiness (and this is true), but this happiness is not the greater happiness which God desires His children to have, and to show the way to which, I came as the Messiah.

“I shall write no more tonight, but I will continue to tell you these truths which will be my new gospel to all God’s children. And when they have heard, or read my message, they will understand that there is only one God to be worshiped.

“With my love, I will close for this time, Jesus” Amen




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