Built On a Rock, Part 3

From The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 29 – 34.

“I have digressed somewhat from my subject, but I thought it best to show that mortals’ dependence upon themselves is not sufficient or adaquate to bring them into a condition of happiness on earth, and is therefore totally inadaquate to bring them into the Kingdom of Heaven. The divine-love that I speak of is, of itself, not only able to make humans inhabitants of the Father’s Kingdom, but is sufficient to enable them to bring about and realize to the fullest of their dreams that great brotherhood, even while on earth.

“This Love of the Father’s own self is of a never-changing nature, and in all places and under all conditions is working out the same results, converting souls of mortals on earth, as well as of spirits in the spirit world, into the substance of the divine nature. It may be possessed in smaller or greater degrees, depending upon the mortal themself; this degree of possession determins the condition of the soul and its nearness to the Father’s Kingdom – whether that soul be in the flesh or in the spirit.

“Humans do not have to wait to become spirits in order to seek for and obtain this Love, for the soul on earth is the same soul as when in the spirit world, and its capacity for receiving this love is just as great in one place as in the other. Of course on earth there are many circumstances and surroundings and limitations on humans that prevent the free workings of the soul, in the way of aspirations and faith, that do not exist after they come into the spirit world; but nevertheless and norwithstanding all these drawbacks and stumbling blocks of the earth life, the soul of mortals may receive this divine-love without limitation, and to an abundance that will make them “new creatures,” as the Scriptures say.

“The possession of this divine-love also means the absence of those desires of what is called the natural person which produce selfishness, unkindness and the like; these in turn create sin and error, and prevent the existence of this true brotherhood which humans so earnestly desire as a forerunner of peace and goodwill on earth. The more of this divine-love that enters into the souls of mortals, the less there is of evil tendencies and desires, and more of a loving nature and qualities.” To be continued…

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