Built On a Rock, Part 4

More about God’s Divine Love, from Jesus’ teachings:

“The Father is all goodness, Love and truth, forgiveness and kindness, and the souls of humans become possessed of these qualities when they receive and possess the divine-love. And when a person possesses these qualities, they never leave them or change. When this brotherhood shall be founded on them, it will be built on a rock, and will continue to grow and become purer and firmer in its binding effect and in the great results that will flow from it; and its foundation stone will be the divine nature of the Father, which is without variableness or change and never disappoints.

“A brotherhood so created and joined together, as I say, is the only true brother and sisterhood that will make for humans a kind of heaven on earth, and banish wars and hatred, strife and selfishness, and the principle of “mine and thine.” The “mine” will be changed to “ours,” and all humankind will be truly brothers, without reference to race or sect or intellectual acquirements. All will be recognized as children of the One Father. Such will be the effect of the existence of this Love in mortal’s souls on earth; and when such souls leave their envelope of flesh, they will find their homes in the Kingdom of God – parts of the divinity of the Father and partakers of His immortality.

“But only this divine-love will fit the souls of mortals for this Kingdom, because in this Kingdom all things partake of this divine nature, and nothing which has not that quality can possibly enter therein. So humans must understand that no mere belief, or ceremony of church, or baptism – or all of these things together – are sufficient to enable a soul to become an inhabitant of this Kingdom. Humans may, and do, deceive themselves in their belief that anything short of, or other than this divine-love can ensure them an entrance into the Kingdom. Beliefs may help them to seek and aspire to the possession of this Love, but unless and until this divine-love is actually possessed by their souls, they cannot become partakers of the divine nature and enjoy the happiness and peace of the Father’s Kingdom.

“When the way to obtain this Love is so easy, and the joy of its possession so great, it’s surprising that mortals will be satisfied with the husks of formalism and their intellectual beliefs.” Amen

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