Message from Luke, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 109.
“I heard the Doctor ask, “What do the Celestial Spirits think of this war?” (WWI) I will, briefly, try to tell him.
“First he must know that the celestial spirits are not so much interested in war, and the success or defeat of nations, as in the salvation of the souls of the individuals who compose those nations; and the fact that the individual is a German or an Englishman ot a Frenchman has no influence upon the desire of the spirits to help the soul of the individual. All alike are important and dear to the celestial spirits, and the same love that will save one, will save the other. So you can see that war, to us, is not of so much importance.
“Of course, many souls are made spirits who are completely unfitted for life in the spirit world; and in that view, war is of importance to the higher spirits, as their opportunity for doing work among mortals is, by such slaughter, interfered with. The spirits who come so suddenly to our spirit world are subjected to greater suffering, and are more difficult to impress and teach the way to truth and life, than they would have been if allowed to live their ordinary mortal lives. All wars interfere to some extent with the ordinary living and dying of mortals, and we deplore them. But as to the right or wrong of wars, we do not judge, but leave that to the conscience and judgment of the individuals who bring about the wars and are responsible for them.
“No sin is of less interest to the spirits because it arose from the war of nations, than if it had arisen from the act of the individual, as such. And so we celestial spirits are interested in the war that is going on because of the fact that it creates hatred and desire for vengeance on the part of those engaged in it, and hence adds to the burdens that the individuals so affected will have to get rid of when they come to the spirit world.
“War, to us, is an incident of human existence, and the right or wrong of it does not enter into our consideration. The soul of each individual shows its own sins and wrong doing, to be dealt with.” To be continued…