Built On a Rock, Part 2

Jesus’ message continued:

The message was saying; The chains that bind the brotherhood together can be no stronger than the natural love which forges them. “And when that love becomes overshadowed by ambition and material desires, the brotherhood will become greatly weakened or disappear entirely – and humans will realize that its foundation was not built upon a rock, but rather upon the infirm sand, which could not sustain the superstructure when the storms arising from human’s ambitions and desires for power, greatness and material things, beat upon it.

“So, I say, there is a great necessity for something more than human’s natural love to help them form a brotherhood that will remain steadfast and firm under all conditions and among all human beings. If this natural love, under circumstances most favorable to preserve the constancy of mortal’s happiness and freedom from sin and error, prove itself to be not sufficient to maintain that condition, then what may be expected of it when circumstances are such that this love has degenerated from its pure state, and has become defiled by all those tendencies of humans to do that which is in violation not only of God’s laws, but of everything that would otherwise help humans to realize a true brotherhood?

“As I have heretofore said in my writings, there will come a time when this natural love will be restored to its original state of purity and freedom from sin, and when this brotherhood may exist in a degree of perfection that will make all participants happy. Yet that time is far off, and in the meantime, the dreams of this great brotherhood will not be realized.

“I know that mortals expect that sometime in the future, by means of education and preachments of moral truths, this dream of an ideal brotherhood will be established on earth, and all signs of hatred and war and the oppression of the weak by the strong will disappear. But I tell you that if humans depend upon their natural love, and all the great feelings and impulses that may arise from it, to bring about this condition so much desired, they will find disappointment, and may lose faith in the goodness of human beings. And at times a retrogression will occur, not only in that love, but in the conduct of humans toward one another, and in the treatment of nations by one another.” To be continued…


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