“F”s story continues; “The spirits who greeted me and tried to help me learn spiritual truths, said they would have to leave me for awhile. They further said, that all the beliefs in all the world will not determine the place in which a newly arrived spirit will find its home, unless those beliefs are true – and the beliefs I had, and on which I had depended on for my salvation, were not true.
“Well, I found my place, and with it, darkness, in which I remained for a long time, refusing to believe what I was told as the true way to light and happiness. I want to say, it is not easy to lay aside or get rid of the beliefs of a lifetime on earth, even though the surroundings and experiences of the spirit show that such beliefs must be false. I can attest to the truth that belief – even intellectual belief – is a very important factor in determining the temporary destiny of the soul.
“I have written a long time, and will not relate in detail how I learned the truth and found the light and started on my progress to the higher spheres; or how Jesus came to me and showered on me his love and told me of the things that would be mine if I would only follow his advice. He said that the great stumbling block to the progress of so many spirits is the erroneous belief in his vicarious atonement, etc. which they bring to the spirit world with them.
“I am now happy and am in the Fifth Sphere, where there is beauty and happiness beyond all conception; and if the opportunity was mine tonight, I would endeavor to give you some faint idea of my home and its surroundings and of the beautiful spirits who are my associates.
“Someday, I know this home will be my daughters, for she will not have the burdens of beliefs that I had to overcome. And here I must say that, as she knows how very dear she is to me, and how much I, who has the the Father’s great love in my soul, must love her, she would know that I would not deceive her for all the world. And knowing this, I trust that she will take my advice, and seek for this Love of God” Amen
For more, read The Gospel of God’s Love, page 464.