Message from Luke, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 138.
“What is necessary for humans to do to recover the purity of soul and love that was possessed by the first parents? Here I am speaking in reference to the natural love.
“In the first place, mortals should realize that they are a perfect creature of God, and that their sins and diseases are merely the results of their own thoughts and of qualities that have come to them down the long ages of their ansestors living on earth.
“They need not suppose that these sins and desires are inherent in or part of their creation, for they are not, but merely accretions that fastened themselves upon them by reason of thoughts they’ve had, and the resultant course of life they’ve led. And when they change these thoughts, which will necessarily bring about a change in their manner of living, they will find that they can progress toward the condition of perfect human beings.
“Many of these thoughts are so deep seated that they seem almost part of their very nature, and can only be eradicated by the death of their physical body, but this is not true. Humans, even while in the full vigor of their man and womanhood, and possessed with all the appetites and desires which arise from the perverted indulgence of these desires (either on their part or on the part of those from whom they are said to have inhereted them), may relieve themselves from these desires and become persons having only the thoughts of good, and desires for those things which are in harmony with the nature of their perfect creation.
“This, I know, seems to humans a thing impossible; and so thinking, they do not try to accomplish what I say they may accomplish, and therby become free from these sins and unnatural appetites. The almost universal belief in “original sin” has caused mortals all along the ages to think that such a task is hopeless, and that they are thinking and acting only in accordance with the appetites and desires that God has implanted in their natures.
“But this doctrine of original sin is a mocking, damnable lie, and the sooner people realize this fact, the sooner they will be able to get rid of those things which have placed them in their present condition and held them, seemingly, bound hand and foot.” To be continued…