Continued from Luke’s message; “Evil communications corrupt good thoughts, produce evil desires, and retards the development of the soul’s natural love.
“…So the lesson to be drawn from all this is that humans must, in the first place, make the effort to have only good and pure thoughts and desires from their inner self; next, they must avoid those objects and associations that tend to arise in them evil thoughts; and thirdly, they must learn the truth that when they have these evil thoughts, they attract evil spirits, who by their influence can intensify these evil thoughts and desires.
“I know, as regards this last mentioned truth, that the majority of mortals have no knowledge of its existence; but it is time that they should learn that such danger to their soul’s progression does exist, and is always imminent. And they should learn this other fact; that when their thoughts are pure and free from defilement, they have surrounding them the influence of good spirits, who work to increase and make permanent their good thoughts, and as these good thoughts continue, the natural love develops toward its pristine condition of purity, and they come nearer to their designed condition of existence.
“This condition may also be helped very much by the mortal doing acts of charity and kindness, and by observing the golden rule; for every act of charity and kindness and self sacrifice for the sake of others has its reflex action in their condition of love, and helps their development. In short, observance by mortals of all moral laws tends to bring about the development of natural love. And as this development proceeds, the tendency to indulge in the perverted appetites of the flesh will disappear; and as it disappears, this love becomes purer and sweeter, and brings humans nearer to their state of perfection.
“The meditation upon spiritual things, and the outflowing of this love ‘towards’ the Father will cause this progression. For while all mortals do not seek for the Divine Love, yet as all humans are children of God, He helps them, to the full extent of their desires, towards happiness, and the perfection of the natural love with which He endowed them at their creation. Upon their will and aspirations depends the nature of the help which the Father gives them, but always God gives help and blessings, to the fullest extent possible.” Amen
The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 133 – 137.