Luke’s Message, continued

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 467.

Luke had mentioned that when a spirit finds themself in place of punishment, they frequently believe there is no other place they can go. “I want to say here that, within the spirit, there is no quality or power that can readily start them on their progression; and in this sense, the old Bible expression, “As a tree falleth so shall it lie,” is true. Even as to the natural love, these spirits in the hells generally cannot initiate a start towards higher thoughts and beliefs, and only when some influence comes to them from without can they have an awakening of their dormant, better and true natures, so that their progress may commence.

“I don’t mean by this that it is necessary that some high and spiritual helper comes to them, but only that some influence from outside of themselves must come, in order for them to have an awakening. This influence may be from a spirit in a condition apparently similar to their own, but who has received some glimps of uplifting truth that it may convey to the darker fellow spirit. All spirits can help others who are in a lower or more stagnant condition than themselves, and sometimes they do; but the great trouble here is that, unless the potentially helpful spirits have some desire to benefit their fellow spirits of darkness, they do not try to help.

“And so, as your friend says, it is hard to learn of heavenly things in hell. He realizes that fact fully; and even with the help that has been offered and will be given him, he will find it difficult to make a start.

“The mortal life is not the only place of probation, but it is the most important, and the easiest place for humans to make their start in learning of these heavenly things.

“I will not write more now, but will soon come and write a formal message. So, with my love to you and your friend, I will say to you both, have faith, and let not doubt come to you as to heavenly things that we have written you about. Goodnight.

“Your brother in Christ, Luke”

In order to prepare yourself for a beautiful entery level when you go into the next phase of life, desire to know the truth and pray for God’s gift of Love. Amen

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