Helen’s Experience, Part 3

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 374, from Helen.

(Helen’s parents took quite awhile to realize they were no longer living on earth.) “But thank God, they both now realize that they are in the spirit world, and that they must learn to love God if they would be happy.

“When I commenced to leave my body, there was no pain, only the feeling that I was rising out of it. No darkness appeared to me, and I saw my body lying there as if asleep. I did not try to hold it, but thought that it was merely taking a rest, and that as soon as it felt refreshed I would enter it again and continue living as before. I did not wait for it to awaken, but continued to arise until, as I told you, your mother clasped me in her arms – she was my own dear mother as well as yours.

“I did not know that I was dying, but felt that something unusual was happening, and I was not afraid. As I always in life dreaded death, the strange thing to me was that I did not look upon death as dying. It was only a pleasant dreamy feeling, and I only thought that I was going to become absent from my body until it was refreshed. My thoughts were not of death at all. I had been suffering pain, but I thought I was getting well, and that the feeling of relief that came to me, resulted from my getting better.

“As my spirit arose, I thought only of my condition, and how soon I would be able to return home and see my friends. No other thoughts came to me – not even my love for God, or the fact that I was not in condition, as regards my soul, to meet my Maker (as I had been taught). There was absolutely no fear of what might happen to me, or that I would soon be called upon to account for the sins I had committed.

“Just before my spirit left my body I was unconscious, but just as soon as the separation commenced I became fully conscious, and knew everything that took place, and did not feel at all as if I were in danger or needed help from anyone. I did not stay with my body after I commenced to leave it.” To be continued…

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