Message from John, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 12.
“I come to say a few words in reference to love – the divine love of the Father, which He bestowed upon humankind at the coming of the Master. This Love is the greatest thing in all the world, and the only thing that can make humans at-One with the Father and change their soul into a divine substance filled with the essence of the Father. There is nothing else in all the universe of God that can cause humans to become a new creature and an inhabitant of the Father’s Kingdom; and when humans possess this love, they then possess everything that will make them not only the perfect human, but the divine angel.
“Then they will understand the moral precepts of brotherly love, and also the Father’s oneness, and they will not have to seek for other help in order to bring into the life of the human race those qualities that will bring to it peace and goodwill.
“Then will every person know that every other person is their brother or sister, and be able to do unto each, as they would have the other do unto them, and this without sacrifice on their part. For love worketh its own fulfillment, and all its beneficence floweth towards the fellow-human as falls the dew from heaven. Envy, strife, hatred, jealousy and all the other evil qualities of humans will disappear, and only peace, joy and happiness will remain.
“It is so abundant that it may be possessed by all mortals, only for the seeking and sincere longings for its inflowing. But people must understand that is is not theirs by matter of right, nor is it ever forced upon them, but comes only in response to prayer of a soul filled with longings for its coming.
“This love comes not with observation of moral rules, or with good deeds and the exercise of the natural love of a person towards their fellows. All kindness and acts of love are desirable, and they work out their own rewards, and bring happiness and peace that result from good thoughts and deeds; but all these do not bring into the soul of a person God’s divine love. It is the Father alone who bestows this love, and only when a soul is opened up to its reception can it possibly find its home in that soul.” To be continued…