Helen’s Experience of Passing Over

Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 372, from Helen Padgett.

“When I realized that the time had come for me to go, I did not fear to do so, but calmly waited, and thought that all my sufferings would soon end. And when my spirit left the body, I commenced to feel as if I was rising out of it, and that I was going upward to the place that I had so often heard my father speak about. But I had scarcely awakened to the fact that my spirit had left the body before your mother had me in her arms, and was trying to tell me that I had nothing to fear, or any cause to feel that I was not with those who loved me.

“She was so beautiful that I hardly realized that it was she, and when I commenced to see that I was no longer in my body, I asked her not to leave me, but to take me with her to where she lived. She told me that I could not go there, but that God had prepared a place for me to go, and that she would accompany me and show me the truth of my future existence.

“I went with her, and she took me to a place that was very beautiful and filled with spirits who had recently passed over. She did not leave me for a long time, and when she did, your father came to me and said, “I am Ned’s father, and want to help you realize that you are now in the spirit world, and must not let your thoughts of the earth keep you from getting in condition to learn that all of us are only waiting for the love of God to help us go to higher and better things.”

“Your grandmother soon came to me and told me who she was. She was so beautiful and bright that I could scarcely look at her; for her face was all aglow with what seemed to me to be a heavenly light, and her voice was so sweet and musical that I thought she must be one of  God’s angels that I had read about in the Bible. She told me of the things that God had prepared for me, and that He wanted me to love Him, and to feel that He loved me.” To be continued…


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