From the image into the Substance

Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 34.

I wish to write on a subject that is of interest to all humankind, and I hope that we will be able to communicate and that you can receive the message. I desire to write on, why the Love of God – the Divine Love – is necessary for humans to possess in order  that they may become at-One with the Father and an inhabitant of the Celestial Heavens.

“I have explained what this Divine Love is, in contradistinction to the natural love, and that nothing but this Divine Love will make a human at-One with God; and that no ceremony, or belief in me as the savior, will effectuate that end. Now I will try to show you why this Divine Love is necessary, or as your learned people might say, show you the philosophy of the transformation of the human into the divine angel.

“In the first place, a human, as you have been informed, is a creation of God, and is no greater than the component parts that enter into this creation. And these parts are merely what God, in his act of creation, designed them to be. It must not be assumed that these parts are a part of God, or of His essence or qualities, for they are not; they are as separate and distinct from Him and his qualities as are the lower creatures of His will, such as animals, vegetables and mineral substances. The only difference is that humans are of a much higher order of creation, and are, in one particular, made in the Image of God. But nevertheless, humans are no part of God, but are distinct creations, and even in their best and purest state, only human, having simply those qualities which were created in them at the time of their coming into existence.

“There are certain qualities which humans possess, such as love, wisdom and the reasoning faculties, which may be said to “resemble” God’s attributes, but yet they are not a part of God’s esssence or qualities. So when people assert that humans are divine, or that they have in them even a portion of the divine nature, they are mistaken, for the qualities in them that may appear to be of this divine essence are only those which were created for the ppurpose of making them perfect humans.”

To be continued…

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