Continued from previous message, titled, “From the image into the Substance.”(I published this previously, in September 2010.)
“…Because of this misconception of humans as to their inherent qualities, they have and do continue to neglect the opportunity to become possessed of the nature or essence of the Father – which they may obtain, if they will pursue the proper and only method that God has provided for humans to become at-One with Him.
“The universe of humans can and will continue to exist even though they may never become partakers of the divine nature of the Father; and humans will live and enjoy the happiness that was bestowed upon them at the time of their creation. They will not lose the perfect condition, after they have been separated from sin and error (their own creatures), but they will then be no more than the perfect human. And in the time to come, they will not be anything less – yet they will always, as long as they exist, remain distinct from the nature and essence of the Father, just as they were at the time of their creation, unless they obtain this divine nature and essence in the way that I have explained.
“The highest endowment of humans, either in soul, heart or intellegence, is that which belongs to them as part of their creation, and is not in-the-least part the divine qualities of God. No part or portion of divinity enters into humans creation, no matter how divinely constituted they may appear to be, or how godlike they may seem in the greatness of their intellect or the extent of their love nature.
“So you see, humans are as distinct from God and His divinity as is the animal from humans, and must forever remain so unless they follow the only way the Father has prescribed for them to obtain a portion of this divinity.”
“Now all this shows that humans, no matter how highly they may develop their intellect, or to what extent they may develop their moral and love nature, cannot become more than the perfecrt humans that they were in the beginning. For they were, in the beginning, perfect in every particular; and as I have said before, God never makes a mistake as to the perfection of His creatures – even though, in the case of humans, it may appear that He did, in giving them free will.” The end for now.