Info from Celestial Spirits about Heaven

The advanced spirits, developed in the Creator’s Divine Love, would like to deliver information about the great life they’re experiencing in the spirit world. It is a difficult task because there are so many spirits, on different levels of soul development, who also want to share their experiences with their relatives and friends still living on earth. Their knowledge of spirit life is compromised by their limited experience and also by the false beliefs they hold. A spiritual law states; Love is the ingredient of all knowledge. All Truth is knowledge, but all knowledge is not truth. Each and every individual needs to find the truthful way to develop their soul in God’s Love.

There are two distinct spiritual paths; the purification of ones natural love, and the transformation-of-soul through praying for and receiving God’s Gift of Grace, Divine Love, the Substance of God’s Soul. In order for a person on earth to prepare him or herself to enter a light and harmonious residing place when they go into the spirit world, they need to develop the love nature of their soul. All souls have an inner-knowing of right and wrong.

One of the unfortunate things which happens is that when people are taught the false belief…”if they sin, they will remain in hell for eternity” they tend to believe that it’s true. Then, if they find themselves in darkness, they give up hope of progressing out of that location. God is Merciful, if one prays with sincerity and humility for forgiveness, they will receive Mercy. Never give up, keep praying to know the truth. Ask for forgiveness and be repentant for your sins; acknowledge that you acted out of harmony with love. Let God know that you want to develop your souls ability to love. Start by loving yourself and knowing you can be forgiven. “Humility is the touchstone for an entrance into the Celestial Heavens.”

Earth is called the great plane of probation, everyone has the opportunity to develop their soul in love by doing their best to open their hearts and learn to be compasionate. It is an advantage to acknowledge that you are a soul, which has incarnated into a flesh body, for the purpose of individualizing your personality. Love is the highest spiritual law, if you want to become happy and wise, it can be accomplished by praying to the Source of Love to become transformed into a Divine Angel. Amen

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