Information about life in the ethereal world

I am, hopefully, learning how to share some information about the next phase of human life, which might be interesting to souls seeking spiritual enlightenment. I realize that there is an abundance of so-called ‘information’ out there, that becomes lost in the forest. If a person wants to learn about what life is like in the spirit world, they will need to get in touch with their inner-knowing – insight. Spiritual truths cannot be grasped by the intellectual, reasoning mind alone. Effort needs to be made to develop the love nature of ones soul. Meditation and prayer are the gates to open the eyes of the soul. Desire to know the Truth. Pray to do the Creator’s will in daily living. Learn to love yourself and others and acknowledge that you can acheive peace, joy and harmony in your life when you strive to develop your soul’s love nature.

You can, if you believe you can. I realize that sounds ‘simplistic’ and doesn’t give much needed guidance for someone feeling lost, but headway can’t be made without giving it a try. I remember when I was in a particularly down period, I did reach out and ask, ‘God, if You’re really there…’ I am sure that plea opened a door and brought me into closer rapport with my guardian spirit. All souls born on earth attract a special spirit who volunteers to watch over that dear soul, to protect and guide them during their growing up years. Young children are sensitive to the influences of spirit protectors. Oftentimes they can see spirits and, it seems, just as often are chastised for ‘making up such tall tales.’

I firmly believe that the world’s population is becoming more open to the reality of the presence of spirits, and the ability of earthlings to communicate with them. But whether one believes in spirit contact or not, the important thing to know is that people can ask God for Divine Love and begin their transformation into angels.

Go to a special and peaceful place to commune with God. Ask for protection from spirits who may wish you harm. Acknowledge that God always hears the prayers of sincere and humble petitioners. God knows what is in your heart and sends Divine Love to all his prayerful children, who long to become at-One with their Creator, who want to do his will and develop the highest potential of their soul. Amen

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