More info about spiritual development

To everyone seeking Truth with heartfelt longings, may you find answers to your spiritual questions, and guidance to follow, when you become familiar with the angels’ teachings. The Celestial angels want humankind to become enlightened about how to develop their soul in Love. If you want to develop the highest potential of your soul, ask God for help and have Faith in your inner-knowing and the guidance you receive. Pray to come into closer alignment with God’s will — God’s will is that all souls become at-One with their Creator-Soul in Love. Pray to be blessed by the Holy Spirit — It’s God’s Special Agency which conveys Divine Love to the souls of prayerful children of all ages; all souls are God’s beloved children. When human beings leave their flesh bodies, they go into the spirit world in their ethereal body.  A common greeting of this season starting with… “Peace on earth…” has been misinterpreted, it should be followed with…”to men of good will.” People who fail to live in harmony with love and goodness, will enter lower, unhappy planes when they go into the spirit world. People create their own destiny by their free will choices, their intentions, desires and the decisions they make in day to day living.

I realize that many people do not believe there is any way we can learn about the life to come, after we leave our flesh bodies, but I feel that we can through the wonderful information delivered from highly developed spirits. Everyone has the gift of intuition, and it can be developed when used and followed in daily living. I acknowledge that many mediums are not developed in Love and have channeled information from lower spirits, which is not truthful. Pray to be protected from mischievous spirits. Desire to know the truth, be sincere and consistent in your effort to develop the condition of your soul in Love.

Learn to love yourself. Know in your heart, beyond doubt, that God Loves You. You are one of the beloved souls God created with natural love as its highest quality. This love nature can be developed into a higher divine essence or condition, through prayers for God’s Gift of Grace, Divine Love. Find a peaceful and safe place to pray. Be still and seek truth with your inner knowing, the perceptions of your soul, which are love and faith, and you will be blessed with God’s Grace and gain spiritual wisdom. Amen

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