The Angels have told us that there is everything in the spirit world which is on earth, plus so much more. One of the reasons they have difficulty describing the things and events they enjoy is because we are not familiar with those spiritual provisions, and there are no words in our language to describe them. They have explained that there are mountains, trees, valleys, rivers, and even oceans; There are cities, rural areas and every kind of dwelling one could imagine. God has given all soul a will so free that it will not be interfered with, not even by God. Spirits can go wherever they wish, within the spheres which their soul condition allows them to reside. As spirits progress in natural or Divine Love, they progress to higher planes and then on to higher Spheres. There are hundreds of planes in each sphere. Spirits progressing in their natural love, are developing their intellect, and are attracted to the even numbered spheres, for it’s in those spheres that material information is sought for and studied. The souls praying to develop their innate spiritual-potential, striving to do God’s will and become at-One with their Creator, are attracted to the odd numbered spheres, 3 and 5, in the natural heavens. They commence their transformation in God’s Grace, Divine Love, and proceed to become more God-like, in Divinity and Immortality.
When the natural love spirits reach the highest plane of the 6th sphere, that is the limit of their natural love development. They are exceedingly happy there and do not believe there could possibly be anyplace more wonderful or beautiful than what they are experiencing. A soul praying for Divine Love commences its transformation in the 3rd sphere, passes more quickly through the 4th, and continues preparation to enter the 7th, which is the transitional sphere where they reach the condition qualifying them for the Celestial Heavens.
It is exciting and fun to read about the descriptions of what spirits experience. There are concert halls, which have the most beautiful music anyone had previously enjoyed. There are universities which provide advanced information on every subject one might wish to study. There are Halls of Records where any information one seeks after can be found. It almost defies reason to grasp all the great provisions the spirits, progressing in love, have at their fingertips. The mode of travel is by thought; a spirit thinks of where she wishes to be, then find herself there. Amen