Seek Truth with Heartfelt Longings

Everyone has their own opinions, which is the result of having been given a ‘free will’ by the loving Creator. It stands to reason that people who have similar beliefs and interests would be attracted to one another to enjoy each others company and interchanges. An important thing to learn, even if you do not believe in a Higher Power, is that if you find fault with others, or put them down in your thoughts, you will be the one who suffers the consequences for your attitudes and criticisms.

It’s quite common to act-as-if you know best, and presume others don’t have-a-clue, but accepting others with their differences, and learning to disagree without being disagreeable, will help establish a peaceful and harmonious world. In a diverse world there can be space for everyone to learn and grow at their own pace, when people learn to be accepting and helpful to others, and strive to do their best to be kind.

I am acutely aware that the teachings, which have been delivered from the angels, are at odds with doctrines of churches. I am aware that the doctrines of churches are at odds with other churches’ traditional teachings. Each and every individual person gets to believe whatsoever they choose. If you want to know the truth about spiritual concepts, about our after-life, and other spiritual realities, I suggest that you apply a different method of learning. Souls reside in fleah and blood bodies. Each person has an ethereal, or spiritual body which encases their soul. When the flesh body returns to earth mother, the soul in its spirit body, enters the spirit world, which begins right here on earth.

The soul has senses which are beyond the 5 commonly known material senses. I feel that this has become widely accepted, but has very little common understanding or agreement, which makes it difficult to discuss in scientific circles. There’s no double-blind method to ‘prove or disprove’ the soul senses. One needs to be still and look-within to get in touch with their intuition, and listen to the perceptions of their soul.

Good Wishes to you in your search for truth. It needs to be an ongoing search and one on which you never give up. There really are Spiritual Truths which do not fit into the framework of reason. They can only be found by sincere truth-seeking, with heartfelt longings and, hopefully, earnest prayers to awaken the inner-knowings of your soul.

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