Potential to receive Divine Love – Rebestowed

It was the mother’s love for her child which helped turn humankind around from the low point of their degeneracy, after The Fall. It took a great deal longer to regain some spiritual development and awareness, than it did to lose touch with their souls love nature. God had been waiting for the opportunity to restore the privilege for souls to receive Divine Love; and for his children to become interested in wanting higher help and to appreciate this Gift of Grace.

Spirits who had progressed into the higher levels of the natural heavens were interested in helping their descendants, still living on earth, learn how to develop greater feelings of love, helpfulness and caring, so their life would be more peaceful, joyful and fulfilling. There were groups of people worshiping together, seeking inner enlightenment, and finding a way of life which satisfied their hearts desires and spiritual seekings.

There were Prophesies that a Messiah would come, in the fulness of time, and bring to light a New Covenant for God’s beloved children. During Jesus’ gestation in his mother’s womb, he had longings to be close to his Heavenly Father; this was the culmination of forces which made the time right for God to rebestow the Gift of Grace, the souls potential to receive Divine Love – the Substance of God’s Soul, in response to sincere longings.

Jesus received a small amount of Divine Love while in his mother’s womb, which enabled him to be born free of sin. The first Divine Love received by a soul goes toward purifying its natural love. Thus the law, “The sins of the parents are visited upon the children even unto the third and fourth generations”, was nullified by the higher law.

This occurred 2,000 years ago. Jesus was Joseph and Mary’s first born son. They has 5 sons and 3 daughters. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, then the family left for Egypt when Jesus was an infant. The rest of Jesus’ sibblings were born during the 10 years they lived in Egypt.

Jesus’ parents had no awareness that he was different from other children. Jesus learned about the coming of a Messiah from the scriptures and it wasn’t until he was around 20 years old that he wondered if he might be the promised Messiah. The Divine Love which flowed into Jesus’ soul at the time of his baptism by John, is comparable to the Divine Love received by the Apostles at Pentecost. Amen

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