The First Parents Fall from Grace

God’s first children living on earth in flesh bodies, Aman and Amon (commonly known as Adam and Eve) were spiritually advanced because God had imbued them with a pure soul made in his image. They were tall and beautiful, their life span was long and so were their reproductive years. Food for their enjoyment was growing everywhere and they lived in beautiful surroundings. During their earth life they had many children and their children, in turn, had many more children.

Aman and Amon were aware that their Creator had given them a special opportunity, and a desire to receive his Gift of Love. They knew that in order to receive it they needed to ask God for it, and pray for it to become part of their souls possession. They discussed their options, and together decided they could become immortal through their own efforts without needing to depend upon God. This was a decision based upon pride in their own abilities, believing that they were just as powerful as God. That was a grievous mistake, for it resulted in the forfeiture of their privilege to receive God’s transforming Grace – Divine Love.

After the first parents’ choice was made, the potential to receive Divine Love was withdrawn from all created souls, including those not yet incarnated. Aman and Amon were instantly aware that they had lost something special, but they were not able to restore that innate privilege to again be theirs. Thereafter they had only their natural love to help them resist temptation and rise above animal-like behavior. Thus began the decline of the human species. God’s children went through a long period of devolution, during which their behavior, and even their physical appearance, became more like the animals of the field.

During the thousands of centuries after the first parents went into the spirit world, billions of souls incarnated, lived their earth life and passed into those spiritual heavens. They progressed, after purifying their natural love, to where Aman and Amon were living and enjoying the happiness and contentment of the higher planes in the natural heavens. The beauty of these heavens is beyond description in our human language.

This information has been delivered to mediums on earth from highly developed spirits in the heanves. Human beings have free will, it will be up to them to bring the earth and the way it’s governed into harmony with love. Amen

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