Some Prehistoric accounts of Evolution

In the beginning of incarnate souls living on earth, they had free will, just as we have today. Before there were physical bodies for souls to incarnate into, they existed in the spirit world; they were conscious of their relationship to their Creator, were aware of the other half of their soul and knew they needed to incarnate in order to fulfill the purpose of their creation.

I’ll presume that the theories about organized-animated life evolving from the amoeba are correct, there were no witnesses to support or deny these events. The primordial elements always coexisted with God; even God cannot create something from nothing. These elements were innert before God infused them with Spirit for the purpose of being used in the creation of the universe.

The species which led up to the “perfect pair,” who became the 1st Parents, evolved over a long period of time. (they were known as Aman and Amon, and later were refered to as Adam and Eve.) This couple had become ‘lost in Paradise’, after having wandered away from the others. (The remaining members of the species eventually became extinct.) God deemed this pair  ‘perfect’ to be the first to receive a soul, made in his own image, and became his beloved children. They were God’s only children, on earth in flesh bodies, to receive a soul when they were adults (they have no memory of what their life was like before they were imbued with a soul). Thereafter, all souls incarnated into embryos in their mother’s womb.

Today, I’ve observed the diligent effort of researchers to identify the “spark” which bridges the gap between man and ape. It has become clear to me, through my acquaintance with messages from the angels, that the difference, the so-called spark, is due to the fact that they possess a soul within their material body, which has the potential to receive the Grace of Divine Love, the Substance of God’s Soul.

The First Parents discussed their options with one another, and together decided they could become immortal through their own efforts without needing to become dependent upon God for this blessing. This was the cause of their downfall, for it resulted in the forfeiture of this special privilege to receive God’s Substance of Love into their souls, which would enable them to become Born-Again in Love and become divine souls qualified to inhabit the Celestial Reams. (To be continued.)

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