“…no matter how highly human beings may develop their intellect, or to what extent they may develop their moral and love nature, they cannot become more than the perfect human beings that they were in the beginning. They were perfect when created, God never makes a mistake, even though, in the case of humankind, it may appear that he did, by giving them the great power of free will, which, in its wrongful exercise, has caused sin and evil to appear in the world.
“Man was made finite; his capacity for exercising any and all of his qualities has limits, beyond which he cannot possibly go. His intellect is bound by limits, as determined by laws of God which control it, also his capacity for loving and for the enjoyment of his happiness; though he lives for all eternity, he cannot possibly extend or pass beyond these boundary lines of his creation. He cannot enter into the realm of the divine, where such limitations do not exist, and the capacity for receiving knowledge, wisdom and love, is commensurate with the very fountainhead of God, the Creator.
“Then, such being the limitation of human beings, it is apparent that they can never become a partaker of the nature and essence of God unless they receive something in addition to these qualities; they must receive something from without. It will not do to say there is something within them, as an inherent part of them, which when developed, will make them of a nature divine and part of the essence of the Father, for this is not true. There is nothing in man of this nature, and it is impossible to produce an essence divine unless there be something from which it can be produced, that in some degree has the nature of that essence. This would be the equivalent of producing something from nothing, which even God does not attempt to do.
“When man takes on the divine nature and becomes absorbed in the essence of the Father, he then becomes like unto the Father, and whatever his image may have been when he was only human, he now becomes the real substance. And limitations of possibilities become removed. Love sees no ending, intellectual development no boundaries, and happiness no limitations. Immortality becomes a thing of knowledge, and the soul a new creature, having the divine essence of the Father.” Amen
2 Responses to Jesus on some Laws of Transformation