Message from Mary, the Mother of Jesus

From ‘The Gospel of God’s Love,” The Padgett Messages, page 173.

“I come with all the mother’s love of one who loved her dear son so much while on earth and who suffered all the heart pangs which the cruel death of my beloved caused me – and with a love that has been purified by experience and closeness to the blessed Father. I come with this mother’s love, for you also are the children of our Father and brothers and sisters of my dear son, who is with you so much. Let your love for the Father increase and also your love for the Master as he is the greatest and dearest friend you have in all the Celestial or spiritual heavens.

“I am in the Celestial Heavens, near the fountainhead of God’s love, but not in the same sphere as my dear son, for no spirit has the same great soul development, or is possessed with the Divine Love to such an extent. I want to say that I am not in the condition that I am because I am his mother, but because of the Love develoment of my own soul. I am now in such condition that I know the Love of the Father is the only thing in all the universe that can make a mortal a partaker of the divine nature, and an inhabitant of the Divine Kingdom of Heaven.

(A question is asked.) “Well, I suppose I am the only one in all the universe who knows the facts with reference to that question; and I as a spirit of the Celestial Spheres, knowing only truth, say to you and all the world that Joseph was the actual father of Jesus, and that he was conceived and born as any other mortal. The Holy Spirit did not beget him, and I was never informed that such a thing would happen. I was known by Joseph before the conception of Jesus, and by him was made pregnant with that blessed son. This is the truth, and all accounts to the contrary are erroneous.

“I was a simple Jewish maiden, and never had any knowledge that my son was to be different from the sons of other mothers; and it was not until after the development in him of the Divine Nature of the Father that I realized he was so different from the sons of other mothers.” Amen

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