More of Jesus’ little known teachings

During the course of Jesus’ ministry on earth he was asked many questions. One might have been something like this: What foods do we need to avoid eating in order to not become defiled? Jesus explained; “It isn’t what goes into the mouth, but what proceeds from it, that defiles a person’s soul. The food one eats is digested by the body, which uses what it needs and discards the rest. The words one utters in anger, condemnation, criticism and the like, are what defiles a person’s soul.”

People also criticized Jesus for associating with sinners. He responded with a question; “When people are well, do they go to a doctor? I say that people who are lost, confused or out-of-harmony with love, are in need of ministering and guidance.”  God has promised all beloved souls that sincere, heart-felt prayers for Love and Mercy will bring the healing balm of Divine Love into their souls and start them on their Higher  Spiritual pathway.

Many people living on earth today are out-of-harmony with love and are in need of ministering. If they want their lives to come into alignment with Love and Truth, they could benefit from the message Jesus gave to his followers. It is really quite simple, but not easy to understand, because humankind has fallen far from the perfection in which it was created. This fall from Grace occurred millions of years ago (scientists, who have discovered evidence of the evolution of the human species, have not gone back far enough to realize there had been a ‘devolution, following the fall’), after which the behavior of  human beings, God’s beloved children, devolved and became similar to that of the animals in the field, but they still had souls.

Humans, God’s special creations, are souls in physical bodies during their life on earth. They have the ability to progress in love. It is their free will choice to behave how they wish, but what they may fail to realize is that ‘they will reap what they have sown.’ If they find themselves in a dark place when they go into the spirit world, it’s a result of their unloving choices and actions while living on earth.

It behooves a person to do their best to become as loving, caring and giving as they can. This will qualify them for a bright and harmonious plane when they go into the spirit world. God blesses us according to our loving choices. Amen

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