Some of Jesus’ little known teachings

Year after year and century after long centuries, the human mind has decided what it believes was meant by certain spiritual information. The so-called intellectual mind is not capable of discerning spiritual truths. It, therefore, needs to rely upon its limited understanding and interpretation. The motives may be well intended, but the result can be misleading. Other minds reach different conclusions as to the meaning of certain teachings and concepts, to say nothing of the variety of religions, languages, customs, etc.

Jesus was the example of love, acceptance, caring, and giving; he was wise and humble because he was filled with God’s substance of Divine Grace. He explained to his followers that he was a son of God, and that everyone is a son or daughter of God. That they have the same potential to develop the Christ Potential in their souls as he had; through prayers, aspirations and desires to become at-One with God in Spirit, by praying for and receiving Divine Love.

Jesus was a grown man when he received the final amout of God’s Grace which made him become the Christ. This occurred during his baptism in the river Jordan by his cousin John, the Baptist.

Even though Jesus was born free of sin, and prayed throughout his growing up years, he was a grown man before completing his new-birth of soul and becoming the Christ. I suspect that no one living on earth at this time was born free of sin. We need to be patient with ourselves and may need to try a little harder to overcome our inherited tendencies, blocks, fears, etc.  God had been wanting to rebestow the privilege to receive the Gift of Grace until such time that humankind became evolved enough to want spiritual nourishment. It was our beloved brother, Jesus, who fulfilled that hope, due to his longing to be close to his Heavenly Creator, while he was still in his mother’s womb. God rebestowed the soul potential to receive this wondrous Divine Substance to ALL souls at that time, two thousand years ago.

It is available now. You and I can pray to our awesome Creator for the inflowing of Divine Love and become transformed into divine souls. It has the power to change natural human souls into divine angels, as prayers continue. I’m on board that Divine Love train, as taught by Jesus. You are invited, by God, to get on board…See you in the Celestial Heavens. Amen

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