In the 1950s, a series of messages was received by Dr. Daniel Samuels from Jesus of Nazareth, “21 New Testament Revelations by Jesus.” They followed in line with what Mr. Padgett had received earlier in the century. Here’s an excerpt from one:
Revelation #18, The First Supposed Miracle
“The first supposed miracle is that of my having fed thousands of hungry listeners who were without food, and who, simply by my supposed powers, were supplied bread and water on the occasion of my preaching to them in the hills of Trans-Jordan. Well, I must say that the many people who ate with me that supper, ate fish and bread, wine, even figs and dates as well, which the New Testament does not mention. But this food had been either brought along with them or, as in the case of fish, had been caught from the fishing boat of my disciples and then cooked by some of the women who were present at the time. In other words, the meal which we all enjoyed was a substantial one, and was one that was retained in the recordings of my activities in Trans-Jordan by later writers who received it from my disciples. But this meal had nothing miraculous about it, except that all food is miraculous as it comes from the Heavenly Father for the sustenance of His children, but it was not a miracle in the sense that the New Testament interprets and conceives it to be.
“During that same evening, my disciples took their fishing boat and turned their way back to Galilee in the vicinity of Capernaum. I remained behind to dismiss the multitude, which was considerably less than four or five thousand, then withdrew to pray. I later took one of the little boats of the many anchored near the shore and made my way in it that night. As the wind was strong, I was eventually able to catch up with them. They were happy to see me and took me onto their fishing boat, but with the moonlight shining on my white robe, it appeared, as they later told me, that I looked like a ghost, and that standing up near the bow of the boat, it seemed that I was walking on the waves. From this episode has come the story of my having walked on the waters, which also has had a deterrent effect upon my mission as the Messiah.” Amen