When I observe the ‘proclamations’ of self-proclaimed spiritual leaders, which I know in my heart are not in accord with truth, I know that they will eventually be required to answer to the Laws of God because everyone ‘reaps what they sow.’ These laws will be carried out in exact measure, no matter how long it takes; they will be accountable, even though they “thought what they were teaching was the truth.”
Everyone is responsible for the development of their own soul. This marvelous growth and change can start taking place during earth life. When one prays with heartfelt sincerity and prolonged desires, to know the truth, to come into closer alignment with God’s will, and to develop the highest potential of their soul, they will commence to receive God’s Gift of Divine Love. It is a free gift and not given to anyone unless they want to receive It, and ask for It from the Source, through humble prayer.
Kindness can be as contageous as violence, or other unloving choices; it depends upon what an individual wants to become, what goals they set for themselves, and what their intentions and motives are. When things don’t turn out to your liking, it’s a good idea to examine your motives and intentions, to determine if they may have attracted the undesirable outcome. When it is said that people are evaluated by the company they keep, this is because ‘like attracts like’ and ‘birds of a feather flock together.’
Oftentimes when one sees faults in others, it’s a projection of traits which are in themselves. Even if a person is not aware that they might have similar imperfections, it is not helpful in any way to find fault with someone else. A good way for the inhabitants of earth to improve their spiritual condition is for people to become more loving, caring and peaceful. It’s helpful to, “Become the change you wish to see in the world.” The saving grace here, for me, is the Law of God which states; “Eventual Harmony Will Come to Pass.” God blesses us, each and every one. It is up to us to reach out and accept these wondrous blessings.
I am learning that if I find fault with the beliefs or actions of others, it only hurts myself. Negative thoughts and deeds take energy away from spiritual aspirations to become Born-Again in Love, and at-One with God. Amen