Some plausible long-ago beginnings

I woke up this morning with ‘ideas’ for a Blog. There is so much information swirlling around in the universe, it’s complicated to figure out what to believe. But in order to learn higher spiritual truths, one must go to their inner-knowing place, and seek with sincerity, how to develop their soul’s Love nature. “Love is the ingredient of all knowledge.” When the soul progresses in Love, the mind increases its ability to understand spiritual truths.

I’ve heard that God exists, always was and will forever be. I have no way to confirm nor deny this postulate, but since God has given me free will, I choose to accept it as true. The primordial elements always coexisted with God. Even God cannot create something from nothing. These co-existing elements were inert before God infused them with spirit to use in the creation of the universe.

Now we skip ahead a few million  (trillion?) years, allowing time for the re-arranging, cooling down and getting things in order, so primative life can come into being; which takes more eons of time to evolve. At the appropriate time, God decided to have children and created souls in the image of his own Soul. I envision these happenings, through snippets of information delivered from highly developed divine spirits. These souls were created in the natural heavens with natural love as their highest quality. They existed in the etherial world for a long time before there were evolved receptacles for them to inhabit. Then, after another lengthy period of time, the evolution of the animal body became suitable for the incarnation of the soul.

This took place millions of years ago. The first parents and their children were more lovely than people are today. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; Love is the highest law, all things seen through eyes of love are beautiful. When people leave their earth life and discover a whole new and amazing world perpared for them, many commence to consider the reality of a Creator. I do not know if all souls, living in the natural heavens, believe there is a God, but I presume that also is a free will choice.

The souls who decide to follow the natural path of soul development, progress in the spiritual heavens. The souls who choose to follow the Divine Love pathway, progress through these heavens on their way the Celestial Heavens. Which Path will you choose for your destination? It’s your free will decision to make. Amen

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