Exerpts from, The Gospel of God’s Love, The Padgett Messages, page 100.
“The two persons called our first parents became incarnated at the same time, and not one out of the rib of the other. Therefore the man and the woman are equal in their dignity and in the relationship which they bear to God. One was created stronger, physically, and also was given a stronger menatlity, for the workings of the reasoning powers. And the other, while weaker in these particulars, yet was given more of the spiritual and emotional nature, and also an intuition by which she could understand the existance of things just as accurately– and more quickly– than could the man by the exercise of his reasoning power.
“One was just as the other as respects the gifts bestowed, and together they were the perfect pair. Power and love were theirs, and neither was made the superior of the other; had it not been for their fall there never would have been the subjection of the female to the male. After their disobedience and consequent fall, the qualities of the spiritual left them to a large extent, and the animal qualities asserted themselves; then the male felt his superiority by reason that he possessed a greater amount of these animal qualities, and the female became subordinated, and continued to be ever afterwards. For the male, not having these spiritual qualities to the extent that his mate possessed them, believed that the physical was the superior quality and he asserted this superiority.
“As humans degenerated, this domination by the male intensified, until man found the lowest place of his degeneracy. When the turning point came, the qualities of the woman began to be recognized, but very slowly, and for many thousands of years this inequality continued. As humans evolved from this low condition, the moral qualities came more into their consciousness, and the animal nature became less dominate, the conditoion of the female commenced to improve.
“When human beings shall return to their former state of purity and harmony with the laws of God, the spiritual qualities will assert themselves, the animal nature will become subordinated, and women will stand before God and man as the latter’s equal, and in these soul qualities his superior, which existed in the beginning only in order that what was lacking in the man was supplied by the woman, and the perfect pair was one.” Amen