I’ve been reading some discussions about how to pray to receive the Gift of God’s transforming Love. It’s an important topic and one which doesn’t have a clear answer because it’s dependant upon the desires and intentions of each and every individual. Everyone is responsible for their own thoughts and choices; by these, we decide our direction in life. Following charismatic leaders might help, if they teach humility, and the importance of daily prayers and disciplines.
Specific words are not necessary in order to elicit a response from God, for he knows our thoughts and intentions before we begin our prayer. A special part of a person’s prayer intention is their attitude; are you grateful for your blessings? Are you humble and helpful to others? Humility is the touchstone for an entrance into the Celestial Heavens. No one will enter these Higher Heavens unless they have Divine Love in their soul.
It seems that some people are not aware that they have control over their thoughts and choices. However, we can decide to accept something or reject it; we can choose to let love and harmony dwell in our heart by exercising our will in that direction. The many people in the world who have received God’s great Gift of Grace, without knowing it’s an innate part of their soul’s potential, are the ones who want to give their love and develop their spiritual qualities.
God’s laws work unfailingly in the lives of all beloved souls; even in the lives of those who don’t believe there is a God. Some people believe they have “everything under control,” and they have the privilege to accept that as being true. All God’s beloved children “Reap what they sow”. In order to activate your soul’s innate potential to receive God’s Grace, you need to let God know that you want to receive it: Ask with a humble heart. Desire to do God’s will in your life. If you pray to be blessed by the Holy Spirit, you will receive an inflowing of Divine Love, for that is the sole purpose of that Special Agency.
Transformation of soul quality, from natural to Divine, can begin early in earth life, when one chooses to develop their spiritual nature by becoming a sincerely loving person. Everyone gets to decide whether or not they want to embark upon this Divine Pathway. Prayer for God’s Love is the Way to develop our Divine Potential. Try it and find out for yourself. Amen