A message in The Gospel of God’s Love, continued from Jesus, on pages 255-6:
“All things, mediately or immediately, have their existence, operation and growth in the “spirit of God,” and this spirit is evidenced in many and varied ways in the mortal experience. And hence, people who say that they “live and move and have their being in God”- it only means that they live, move and have their being in God’s spirit. This spirit is the source of life, of light and health and numerous other blessings that humans possess and enjoy – the sinner as well as the saint, the poor as well as the rich, the ignorant as well as the enlightened and educated – each and all are dependent on this spirit for their being and comfort.
“This is the spirit that all mortals possess to a greater or lesser degree; and the brilliant preacher or teacher or orator, possessing this spirit to a greater degree than their less favored brethren, depend upon the same spirit. It is universal in its existence and its workings, is omnipresent, and may be acquired by all mortals to the degree that their receptivity permits. And this further demonstrates the fact that God, through and by this spirit, is with humans always – in the lowest hells, as well as in the highest heavens of the perfect humans. It is working continuously, ceaselessly, and always at the call of mortals, be that call mental or spiritual. It is the thing that controls the universe, of which the earth is an infinitesimal part. This is the “spirit” of God.
“But the Holy-Spirit, while a part of the spirit of God, yet is as distinctive as is the soul of mortals distinctive from all other creations of God. It is that part of God’s spirit that has to do with the relationship of God’s Soul and a human’s soul, exclusively. The subject of its operation is the Divine-Love of the Father’s Soul, and the object of its workings is the prayerful soul of mortals, and the great goal to be reached by its operation is the transformation of the soul of the mortal into the Substance of the Father’s Love, with Immortality as a necessary accompaniment. This is the great miracle of the universe, and so high and sacred and merciful is this transformation of human souls, that we call the part of God’s spirit that so works, the Holy Spirit.” Amen