I’ve learned that, “Beliefs are of the mind and Faith is of the soul.” High spiritual Truths do not fit into the framework of the mental faculties until the soul has begun its transformation into a divine soul and received spiritual wisdom. When a person wants to develop the highest potential of their soul, they need to seek truth with their soul perceptions, their inner knowing and sensitivities. Natural love is the highest quality of a soul created in the image of God. Two thousand years ago, the potential to receive the Gift of Grace, God’s Divine Love, was rebestowed upon all souls everywhere; souls on earth, in the spirit world, including the dark planes, and created souls in the natural heavens, not yet incarnated. These souls are invisible to the angels, but their energy is felt by the spirits around them. These unincarnated souls haven’t yet individualize their personalities.
This rebestowed Gift is the same soul-potential the first parents had been given, but it was forfeited by them when they decided that they could become Immortal through their own efforts without asking for It from God. By the time they realized their error, the gift was no longer available.
All souls everywhere, at this time, have the privilege to receive God’s great Gift of Grace, if they want It. It is never forced upon anyone against their will. Seek truth with heartfelt longings. Desire to come into greater accord with God’s will. Hold in your heart the soulful prayer to become at-One with God in Soul Substance of Divine Love.
When seeking souls become transformed by God’s Divine Grace, they will be born-again in Love, through the Christ Spirit. Jesus became the Christ, when he was a grown man, as a result of having longed to be close to God, and praying for his Love, throughout his growing up years. Our beloved brother Jesus told his followers that all the things he had done, they could also do with the Power of God’s Love in their soul.
After Jesus went into the Celestial Heavens, he could still come to be with and guide his disciples as they went forth and carried on his mission of teaching and healing. If you wish to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and be born-again in Love, pray without ceasing for God’s saving Grace to flow into your soul. Continue longing for the Love and you will receive It. Amen