Many people face the challenges of daily living with enthusiasm and hopes of living useful lives and being helpful to others. It seems to me, however, that there are many who feel lost, or afraid, and cannot find their way out of their unhappy situation. I firmly believe that if these dear souls were sincerely seeking help, having faith in providence, or Powers that Be, they would receive ‘inspirations’ from guardian spirits about how to proceed, and make good choices. If a person makes an effort to know-the-truth, and find-their-way, they could become aware of spiritual guidance; everyone has the gift of intuition, which can be developed through practice and following insightful guidance.
In order to prepare oneself for a happy entry level, when they go into the spirit world, they need to do their best to develop their love nature while they are on earth. Most people may not give any thought to what their life will be like when they leave this earth, or how to prepare for it to be wonderful when they go there. Perhaps that’s due to the fact they do not believe there is an afterlife.
It’s a good idea to seek-to-receive truthful answers to spiritual questions. You might be surprised to find out that guardian spirits can ‘inspire’ you with answers. Spirits who have progressed in God’s Love, and have become Angels, are willing to help human beings, still living on earth, by guiding them toward next steps-to-take to develop their awareness. The location a person enters the spirit world, when their earth life has ended, is dependent upon the condition of their soul.
God’s laws governing the universe, are exact in their workings. This results in spirits of like mind and development entering the same spiritual levels, therefore having harmonious interchanges with fellow spirits. Change continues to take place, and progression occurs according to the thoughts, prayers and intentions of each person, whether they are still in the flesh or in their spirit life. Spirits do not retrogress, but they can remain stagnant for centuries. In order for them to come out of darkness, they need to ask for forgiveness for their unloving actions, which accumulated darkness on their souls.
Suggestions; Open your heart to the reality that you are one of God’s beloved children. Ask for God’s Mercy and Love to elevate the condition of your soul. Seek truth with heartfelt longings, and you will find your way to happiness and fulfillment, even in your earth life. Amen