- I’ve been contemplating many different points of view people have about spiritual concepts, and wonder how acceptance, harmony, joy, peace and love will ever be achieved. Someone-Up-There has it worked out through Perfect Governing Laws. I have faith that the Law of Eventual Harmony will come to pass. It is up to the people, each and every individual soul, to accept the free will choice of all other human beings before Brotherly Love, and Heaven on Earth can become a reality.
For example; If someone is representing an untruthful premise in their teachings, they are the ones who will need to learn from their mistakes. It isn’t another persons job to interfere with that persons’ performance. The students who are following that teacher, “want to believe, that what is being represented is the truth.” Maybe they need a Leader to follow, or they might not feel capable of relying upon their own spiritual insights. They may not know, yet, how important it is for them to find their own way into a loving and satisfying spiritual way of living. An ‘internal search’ needs to be made through ones intuition, with the help of prayer connection to God and seeking for angelic help, guidance and love.
We have a special friend who believes in the concept of reincarnation. I’m not familiar with the teachings, but have heard many different theories on the subject. One of the explanations I’ve heard is that, “Eventually a person will reach Nirvana, after all their karma and compensation have been satisfied.” Our friend has decided to live his life in the most loving and perfect way, so he will qualify to enter Nirvana when he leaves earth life and goes into the spiritual realms. That, in my humble opinion, is what will bring harmony to earth, and at the sane time provide the most loving and joyful earth life for the person who makes that wonderful and selfless decision.
God has given all souls a will so free, that even he will not interfere with what they choose to do, or decide to believe. Spiritual laws supercede material laws and man made laws, so these cannot be relied upon to bring help or harmony to a soul seeking truth. Of course, it’s challenging to seek help from a Higher Power when one hasn’t yet accepted the existence of a Creator Soul. I’m not certain if everyone in the natural heavens knows there is a God. Hopefully, they will, eventually. Amen