I’m looking forward to answering questions

I am happy to write about the fact that people living on earth at this time (and at all times in the past and in the future) will continue their life in the Ethereal World, when they pass from their earth life. I am excited about the wonderful information which highly developed spirits have been able to channel through sensitive souls on earth, giving descriptins of the amazing and wonderful events and surroundings one will experience in their next life.

I realize that there are many people living on earth who do not believe there is any way one can know about what happens after they die. But, first of all, souls do not die, they leave the flesh body encased in their spirit body. The soul attracts a spirit body when it incarnates into an embryo in the womb. The spirit body takes on a similar appearance as the flesh body, which is an aid to recognizing the person in the spirit world. The spirit body’s appearance becomes more bright and lovely as the soul progresses in love.

It is up to each and every individual person to progress in love. It is helpful to have activities which are enjoyable, productive and instructive to fellow human beings. And it is especially beneficial when they are carried out in love. God is Love and Love is the highest law. If one wants to develop the highest potential of their soul, they need to make an effort to do so. Ones’ natural love is pure before incarnation, but as a result of humankinds imperfections, which are the result of their unloving choices, the children inherit the tendencies of their ansestors, even unto the 3rd and 4th generations.

It is a huge challenge to purify ones natural love through the doing of good deeds and renouncing wrong-doings. God has provided help; the potential of the soul to receive the Gift of Grace. Divine Love is the highest Love; It is the Substance of God’s Soul. This transforming Love has the Power to change a soul from the image into the Essence of Divinity, through prolonged prayers for God’s Gift of Grace. It will never be given to anyone who does not want It. In order to receive Divine Love, one must have longings for It to flow into their soul. Sincere prayers need to be extended to the OverSoul frequently, if one wants to continue progressing in Love. Amen

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