
In this moment
what do you see?
What do you hear?
Does something smell
delicious, unpleasant?
What is in your hands?
Are they empty?
Do you feel curious?
Sad? Warm? Safe?

Begin to ask
of your senses.
Experience this
moment – Above
Below Behind Ahead Near Far

Pay attention to the detail:
Color Shape Light Dark
Harmony Cacophony Loudness Whispers

No hurry – there’s time
enough to linger on what
pleases you and accept
what does not.

Everything belongs here.
You are not out of place, though
you may want to leave. Begin to
notice what really belongs.
Are your feet firmly planted or
are you ready to run?

Stretch yourself to the
horizon of your desires.
Where are they taking you?
Begin to choose who you are.

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