The Beloved

God’s hand is on the door of your soul, awaiting your invitation to receive the gift of divine love. It matters not what you wear or how prepared you may or may not be – you were created for this gift.

You are the holy temple in which the divine may dwell. Your soul’s aspirations are the offerings laid upon the altar of love; your joy and tears the songs that fill God with gladness.

Love is all God has for you. Perfection goes unnoticed. God sees you – the Beloved – through the open door of your heart.

Open your door. Let each moment that you behold one another be a mutual worship. Give no thought to what you do not have to offer. God needs nothing but your love; you are beautiful just as you are.

And when you receive this divine gift of love, nothing compares to it. It is a sacred treasure, a joyful secret within your heart. In time, you will want this consummate love to fill you again and again.

You are a gift – a unique star in God’s eye – the only one who can be that brilliant light in a once-darkened corner of the world.

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