Jeremiah Prophesied the New Covenant

In a 1962 message from Jesus, he wrote: “…no Prophet of Israel has more importance to humankind than Jeremiah, who, in 600 BC, was so close to the Father’s will and intentions that he was able to say he had been called to become a prophet to his people. None but he, before my time, was given the insight of piercing the veil of the Father’s intentions of helping souls eradicate sin and evil through the Gift of Divine Love. Jeremiah interpreted this gift as the New Heart, through the pouring out upon humankind of God’s Spirit. What Jeremiah saw as the Great Gift of God, I fulfilled as the Messiah with the New Heart of the Father’s Love in my own soul.

“Thus it was that God’s Presence in Jeremiah’s will, as a fire in his heart, was a harbringer which showed me that the glow in my own heart, which I felt from early childhood, was the Divine Love of the Father, the very essence and nature of God. In the Gospel of John there is a declaration of the one true plan of salvation and that is: “Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” The new birth is the effect of the flowing into the human soul the Divine Love of the Father, and the disappearing of everything that tends to sin and error. As the Divine Love takes possession of the soul, sin and error disappear and the soul becomes of a quality of love. The image becomes the substance, the mortal becomes immortal and the soul of the human, as to love and hope, becomes part of the Father’s Divinity.

“Jeremiah was forced to acknowledge that there was a “presence” making itself manifest through a burning in his heart, accompanied by an overwhelming sense of righteousness. Jeremiah felt that a new covenant between God and the captives of Babylonia was in the making, wherein this new insight into the nature of God would achieve for them a New Heart. This new heart was for each human being as an individual, not as a member of a collective – each person being responsible for his own actions and entering into a personal relationship with God.”

God has written his law in every persons heart; we can know right from wrong when we seek truth with hearfelt desires to develop our souls in God’s Love qualities. Amen

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