“Dearest, Beloved God, Creator of heaven and earth, we affirm that the human soul is created in Your Soul’s image, and that You have bestowed upon each of us, Your children, the gift of perfect love and free will. Today, we humbly seek Your guidance to understand Your Will in all things, great snd small.
“Beloved God, we affirm that our bodies, both physical and spiritual, are culled from universal elements, and subject to Your immutable Laws, and thus obedient to Your principles of growth and change, which operate upon all life. We seek Your guidance that we may learn to live in harmony with Your laws.
“Beloved God, we beseech You in earnest prayer that we be filled with such thoughts and deeds as give evidence of Your Divine Love and goodness. We pray to be strengthened by Your power of life to lead lives of usefulness, of service to others, of love and kindness and mercy.
“Beloved God, we seek in earnest prayer, that as our thoughts ascend in Your Love and Mercy above this temporal plane, that Your spirit healers in Divine Grace make contact with us, and that those spiritual powers of healing and health administer to us in our need.
“Beloved God, fortify this day our mortal frames for Your greater service, strengthen and preserve our sinews and our flesh; bring our desires, thoughts and deeds into harmony that we may be free from dis-ease and pain; refresh us with the vigor of Your restoration; restore our aching limbs; repair and cure our hearts and hands; and in Your Divine Love and compassion, reestablish us in fitness and in soundness of body and mind, and give us a new birth of health as we humbly seek Your Divine Love for the transformation of our souls into eternal life with You.” Amen.
This is a beautiful prayer and effective when expressed from a humble heart and sincere soul. Whether praying for self-healing or for others, specific words are not necessary; a silent longing, a desire to be in alignment with God’s will, humble prayers for God’s healing energy, will bring answers and spiritual intervention for healing.
Jesus taught that Faith, on the part of the recipient, is important for a healing to be sustained. He also told the people who received healing, to go “and sin no more.” It is when people live out-of-harmony with love that they become sick.