Continued from John, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 459.
“Many spirits who are themselves in a dark position or condition can help others who are in a darker condition – just as on earth, a student of a lower class in school may not be able to teach all that is taught in that school, yet they can teach those in a lower class than their own, the things that they have just learned while progressing. All spirits have a work to do, and so these spirits of little development are engaged in teaching those of lesser development the way to get in the same condition they are in. But of course, these latter cannot teach anything that belongs to a higher condition than the one in which they are. In such cases, the progress is very slow, for many reasons, and it sometimes takes centuries for a spirit to progress to a plane where only the lowest grade of happiness exists.
“All spirits can help other spirits who are in a lower condition – and sometines, at the beginning of their progression, more satisfactorily than can higher spirits. These dark spirits who try to help the darker spirits are more in harmony with them; and so the darker spirits listen to them with more interest, and more readily believe that they can be helped by them. But this is not the help that works in such a way as to cause the spirit to lose their evil desires and recollections very rapidly, or to progress into the higher planes without the suffering and expiation, of which you’ve been told.
“I thought I would write this to you for the reason that you might not, in your investigations into the spirit world, give importance to the possibility of one dark spirit helping another.
“I will not write more, but will, with all my love and blessings, say goodnight.
“Your brother in Christ, John”
Editor’s note: This message does not write about the higher gift of transforming Love, it explains the limitations, and conditions, of human spirits who failed to develop even their natural love during their earth life. Strive to develop your love nature, it’s worth all the effort required.
A person who wants to progress on the divine pathway, can pray while on earth, to receive God’s gift of Grace. It will start preparing their soul to enter the Kingdom of Love, where Jesus is Master and Prince of Peace. Amen