We, in our spiritual circles, are blessed to have become acquianted with the wonderful messages from the angels (and other spirits) in the last century. They were received from Celestial Spirits, starting in 1914, and for several years more than 2500 message were received. It has been challenging for some to grasp the meaning of “He that runneth,” and I’m not certain that I understand it perfectly; but to me it means, “anyone who lives and runs on earth” can understand Jesus’ spiritual message.
The last message in The Gospel of God’s Love, is titled; “He that runneth, may understand my teachings.” My truths are plain, and my teachings can be understood by the simple. Any religion which requires the exercise of the mental faculties to an extent greater than what is required in the ordinary affairs of life cannot be a true religion because God has designed that all His children shall understand His truths, without the necessity of having a highly developed intellect.
“He that runneth” may understand my teachings, and it will not be necessary for any preacher or teacher to explain them. My language will explain itself. So let not your mind be troubled over the question as to whether only the mentally developed can understand what I may write. These truths are for all.
“With all my love I am, Your brother and friend, Jesus”
If you want to know spiritual truths, you need to believe in a Higher Power and to know, in your heart, that you are a beloved child of that Awesome Creator. That’s a good start; then as you go through your daily living, be grateful for your blessing and strive to become as loving a person as you possibly can.
God waits for his children to let Him know that they want His blessings; God does not force His Love upon anyone against their will. When Jesus came to earth, he had been chosen to become the Messiah, but he was not aware of that, until he was a grown man.
Jesus studied the scriptures from the time he was young, as was the custom. He was aware that a Messiah had been forseen to bring “The Good News of God’s Gift” to the people. He was acquainted with John, his cousin, who was known the Baptist. They conspired to Have John teach repentance; then Jesus would teach about God’s redeeming Love.
More in, The Gospel of God’s Love.