From Luke, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 250.
“…In none of our gospels did the “mystery of the Godhead” appear, and, that for the reason that there was not, and is not, any such mystery. We did not teach that there is any Godhead, composed of three personalities; only that there is one God, the Father. Jesus was a son of man in the natural sense, and a son of God in the spiritual sense, but he was not God or a part of God in any sense, except that he possessed the divine-love of the Father, and in that sense was part of His essence. And the holy-spirit was not God, but His instrument, to deliver the Grace of His Love.
“As you have been informed, the soul of humans existed prior to humans creation in the flesh, and was the only part of humans that was made in the image of God. It existed in this pristine state without individuality, although having a personality, and resembles the great Soul of the Almighty (which Soul is God Himself), though the soul which was given to mortals was not part of the Great Soul, but a likeness of it. (Mortals’ soul made in the Image of God’s Soul).
“Some mortals have said that a human’s soul is a part of the “Oversoul,” but this is not true, and if in any of our communications it’s implied that the soul of mortals is a part of the Soul of God (I mean while it existed before its incarnation), that saying must not be so interpreted.
“The “ego” of God, as may be said, is His Soul; and from this Soul emanates all the manifested attributes of God, such as power and wisdom and Love (but not jealousy, wrath, or hatred, as some writers of the Bible have written, for He possesses no such attributes). And the ego of mortals is their soul; and from their soul emanates all the manifested attributes belonging to them, such as power, love and wisdom (and neither were hatred, nor wrath attributes of theirs before the fall).
“It is said that humans are composed of body, soul, and spirit; and this is true. From your life’s experience you know what the body is, and I have told you what the soul is, and now the question arises what is the spirit?” (The answer in the next chapter). To be continued…