Message continued from Jesus:
“I do not see how these false sayings can be corrected, except to take each saying and show, by its incompatibility with what I now say, its falsity. This would take too much time, and expend too much energy that could the better be employed in declaring what the truth actually is. But this I will say, that whenever these sayings impart that I claim to be God, or that I could or did forgive mortals of their sins, or whatever is asked of the Father in my name would be received, all are untrue, and have greatly misled seekers of spiritual truth.
“My disciples were close to me, and understood better my sayings than all others; and yet they did not understand all the truth, and left the mortal life with many expectations that were not fulfilled. They were, in certain non-essentials, influenced in their beliefs and expectations by their training and in the teachings of the Old Testament manuscripts, and were still very largely Jews in belief when they died. They understood the vital things that determined their relationship to God and their existence in the future world; but as to many of the non-essentials, they retained the faith of their fathers, and were not able to receive all the truths which I could have taught them.
“I must not linger to correct these alleged sayings of mine, but must occupy my time and yours in declaring and revealing the truth – as it exists now and existed then. And you, and the world may know that whatever and whenever the Bible sayings of mine conflict with what I have written and shall write you, they are untrue and were never said by me. Thus, in a general way, I will make plain to mortals that the Bible must not in all particulars be relied on or believed in as containing the truth, or my declarations of the truth.
“I will soon come and write a message on a vital truth, and hope that you will be in condition to receive it. I will now say goodnight and God bless your efforts and keep you safely in His care.
“Your brother and friend, Jesus”
To those wanting to know the truth, the Angels tell us to pray to a Higher Power; when we pray for God’s Love we develop wisdom in our soul, enabling us to grasp spiritual truths.