This message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, had more to say about how to prepare oneself for an entrance into the Higher Heavens. One of the reasons the original teachings were lost, was because the people needed to be taught how to purify their natural love before they could begin to understand the higher truths. “The mind is to things material, what the soul is to things spiritual.”
Since the teachings of how to purify the natural love, and those of how to receive God’s Grace, and commence the development of their divine potential, were being taught simultaneously, it is understandable how these teachings could be commingled. This is how the idea that living a good moral life would fit the person for an entrance into the divine realms.
Starting now, people can learn how to prepare themselves for an entrance into the Celestial Spheres, if they want to know the Way. It takes a different method or process, than living a virtuous life, and the doing of good deeds. But the good news is that when we prepare ourselves for a home in the Higher Heavens, we become pure and virtuous, because “the first divine-love received by a soul purifies its natural love.”
I realize that the people who copied Jesus’ teachings, may have done their best to grasp the important information to pass on to others. But in order to understand spiritual concepts the soul needs to become developed in God’s divine-love. “Humility is the touchstone for an entrance into the Celestial Kingdom.”
It seems that one can purify their natural love without prayers to a Higher Power; but they cannot develop the highest potential of their soul without Prayers to God for the Gift of Divine Grace. Pray to know the truth; pray to do God’s Will in your life; Desire to develop the highest potential of your soul, and you will embark on the pathway toward the Divine Kingdom.
Be patient with yourself; all truths cannot be learned in a short time. And they cannot be learned at all unless you receive divine-love into your soul through earnest and prolonged prayers for its inflowing. The angels tell us to Pray for the Love, and have Faith that you will receive it.
We have no conception of how much the Heavenly Father loves his children; because our grasp of spiritual concepts is limited. Keep praying and never give up. Amen